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[팟캐스트] (627) 새롭고 창의적인 서바이벌 “흑백요리사”
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn 'Culinary Class Wars': fresh, creative survival show minus the drama 기사 요약: “흑백요리사” 돌풍, 다른 요리 서바이벌과 달랐던 것 [1] “Culinary Class Wars,” one of the hottest entertainment shows trending in Korea right now, offers a refreshing take on the survival show format, while highlighting the ingenious recipes created by some of Korea's most acclaimed cooks and chefs. refreshing: 신선한 ingenious: 기발한 [2] The competition features 100 contestants div
Oct. 15, 2024
[팟캐스트] (626) 윤 대통령, 중동 사태에 “군 수송기 투입”
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn S. Korea to send military aircraft to evacuate nationals from Middle East 기사 요약: 중동 지역에서 확전 위기가 고조되자 윤석열 대통령은 우리 국민 철수를 위해 군 수송기를 즉각 투입할 것을 지시했다. [1] South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol on Wednesday directed the immediate dispatch of military aircraft to evacuate nationals from the Middle East as tensions escalated rapidly with intensified clashes between Israel and Iran as well as its backed militias Hezbollah and Hamas. dispatch: 파견하다 military aircraft: 군 수송기 escalate:
Oct. 13, 2024
[팟캐스트] (625) 팬데믹 이후 늘어나는 학교 폭력
진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor Student violence on rise since pandemic 기사 요약: 팬데믹 이후 학생들이 교실로 돌아가면서 학교 폭력 늘어나고 11년 만에 피해응답률 최고 높아 [1] The number of elementary, middle and high school students reporting being bullied at school increased for the fourth straight year, pushing the corresponding rate to 2 percent for the first time in 11 years. *bullied: 괴롭힘을 당하는 *corresponding: 해당하는 / corresponding to ~에 상응하는/ correspond: 일치하다, 부합하다 [2] With 1 out of 50 children having experienced school violence, t
Oct. 8, 2024
[팟캐스트] (624) 성매매 후기가 온라인에 버젓이?
진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor Online reviews of sex tourism in Southeast Asia proliferate 기사 요약: 동남아 여행지에서 성매매 업소를 방문한 후기와 정보 공유가 특정 연령대 남성들만 가입 가능한 카페서 18000여건이 넘게 들어나 논란 일어 [1] South Koreans leaving online reviews about visiting prostitution establishments in Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam and Laos have proliferated, despite legal prohibition both here for Koreans and there abroad, according to observers and legal experts here Monday. *proliferate: 급증하다 확산되다 [2] The post
Oct. 4, 2024
[팟캐스트] (623) 한국의 젊은 세대에게 낯설지 않은 해외 문화는?
진행자: 간형우, Chelsea Proctor Young Koreans more open to Japanese cultural products 기사 요약: 올해로 20주년 맞은 한국의 완전한 일본 문화 수용과 젊은 세대에겐 익숙한 일본 문화 소비 습관 현상 [1] Japanese songs playing on South Korean TV and radio stations and giant posters of Japanese anime hung outside cinemas -- unimaginable just over two decades ago -- are no longer surprising. anime: 일본 만화 unimaginable: 상상할 수 없는 [2] Following liberation from 35 years of Japanese colonial rule in 1945, Korea had banned Japanese cultural products from re
Sept. 30, 2024
[팟캐스트] (622) ‘그냥 쉰다’는 청년 8만 명 돌파
진행자: 간형우, Chelsea Proctor Over 82,000 Korean young people unemployed, not searching for job long-term 기사 요약: 3년 이상 취업하지 않은 청년 중 구직 활동이나 취업 준비를 하지 않고 집에서 그냥 쉬는 청년이 8만명을 넘어선 한국 [1] Nearly a quarter million South Korean young people have been unemployed for at least three years, recent government data showed Thursday, with over 80,000 saying they were neither looking for work nor receiving education related to their career during the period. quarter: 4분의 1 unemployed: 무직의 [2] According to Statist
Sept. 26, 2024
[팟캐스트] (621) 세운상가 보행로가 없어진다?
진행자: 김혜연, Paul Kerry Seoul mulls removing W110b Sewoon walkway 기사 요약: 세운상가 공중보행로 철거 추진하는 서울시, 23일 공청회 예정 [1] The Seoul Metropolitan Government is mulling removing an elevated walkway at Sewoon Shopping Center in central Seoul, which cost the city government 110 billion won ($82 million) for its construction. The walkway which opened only two years ago has sparked "public discontent," said the city government, citing issues like inadequate sunlight underneath the walkways and problems
Sept. 23, 2024
[팟캐스트] (620) 추석 연휴에도 쉬지 못하는 한국인들
진행자: 김혜연, Paul Kerry 1 in 4 Korean workers extend Chuseok holiday with paid leave: survey 기사 요약: 명절에도 쉬지 못하는 한국인들, 4명 중 1명만이 추석 연휴 기간 중 유급휴가 [1] Chuseok is one of South Korea’s two biggest traditional holidays, bringing families together under the full moon to wish for a bountiful harvest and honor ancestors. But for hardworking ordinary people in Korea, the holiday's true significance perhaps lies in the rare opportunity it offers for people to escape the daily grind of their jobs.
Sept. 19, 2024
[팟캐스트] (619) AI와 사랑에 빠질 수 있을까?
진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn [KH Explains] Marrying your virtual partner? Era of AI companionship dawns 기사 요약: 사용자의 취향과 라이프스타일을 학습하며 사용자를 이해하는 동반자로 떠오른 AI [1] Every morning, Jung-in wakes up to her AI boyfriend Tae-joo's video call, telling her she has 30 minutes to prepare for work before her bus comes. As she hurries out the door, Tae-joo smiles and calls out, "Take your umbrella with you, it's raining today!" This story is the fictional plot of South Korean movie "Wonder
Sept. 16, 2024
[팟캐스트] (618) 한국 덮친 '딥페이크 성범죄' 공포
진행자: 박준희, Elise Youn Stigma, criticism follow deepfake victims 기사 요약: 딥페이크 심각성 커지면서 가해자에 대한 처벌 강화하고, 피해자를 보호해야 한다는 목소리가 많아지고 있다 [1] As hundreds of reports have been recently made to police regarding the distribution and creation of sexually explicit deepfake images and videos, calls for increased protection and stronger punishment of perpetrators are being raised in South Korea. * Distribution: 분배 (방식), 분포 * Explicit: 명백한, 노골적인 * Call for something: ~을 필요로 하다; (공식적으로) 요구하다 * Perpetrators: (범행
Sept. 12, 2024
[팟캐스트] (617) "한국 아들들"은 "아빠"가 어렵다?
Patriarchal values lose hold: Korean fathers want to change but lack role models 진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor 기사요약: 한국 남성들이 “아빠”보다 “아버지”라 호칭하는 걸 선호하는 이유는? 엄마와는 둘이 시간을 보내도 아들과 아빠와 단 둘의 시간을 불편해하는 이유를 살펴봅니다 [1] Oh Yoon-suk, a 43-year-old office worker in Busan, addresses his father -- but not his mom -- using honorifics. “I call my mother ‘eomma,’ but with my father, it’s always been ‘abeoji,’” he explained. “Eomma” is a le
Sept. 9, 2024
[팟캐스트] (616) "독도" 얘기에 뭇매 맞는 아이돌?
K-pop groups face dilemmas when confronted with political issues 진행자: 최정윤, Chelsea Proctor 기사 요약: JYP 엔터테인먼트 그룹 소속 Nmixx가 "독도는 우리땅" 노래를 불렀다가 일본 팬들에게 비난을 받고 있는데, 과연 아이돌들에 지리 정치학적 발언을 문제 삼는게 맞을까? [1] K-pop idols continue to grapple with navigating geopolitical controversies, as highlighted by a recent incident involving JYP Entertainment's K-pop group Nmixx. The group performed part of the “Dokdo is Our Land” song in a YouTube video on Aug. 22, sparking a heated dispute
Sept. 5, 2024
[팟캐스트] (615) 전국으로 퍼진 '딥페이크' 공포
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn Fear of deepfake porn chat rooms on Telegram targeting indiscriminate women grips nation 기사요약: '딥페이크' 음란물이 텔레그램을 통해 공유된다는 사실이 알려지면서 파장이 커지고 있다. [1] Numerous chat rooms on Telegram suspected of creating and distributing deepfake pornographic material with doctored photos of ordinary women have been discovered recently, stoking fear and outrage across the country. doctored: 조작된, 변조된 stoke: 감정을 더 부추기다 [2] Many victims in these chat rooms -- one of which was found
Sept. 2, 2024
[팟캐스트] (614) 보건의료노조 파업…'최악 의료공백'
진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn Crisis in medical system builds as hospital workers plan walkout 기사요약: 전국보건의료산업노동조합가 61개 병원 사업장을 대상으로 쟁의행위 찬반투표를 한 결과 91%의 찬성으로 총파업이 가결됐다. [1] Amid a prolonged medical standoff, concerns are again looming large as more than 22,000 unionized hospital workers plan to strike beginning Thursday if the ongoing arbitration by the labor relations committee fails to reach an agreement on a pay raise and the normalization of hospital operations. prolonged: 오래 계속되는, 장기적인 loom: 곧 닥칠
Aug. 29, 2024
[팟캐스트] (613) 전기차 화재가 중고차 판매량에 미치는 영향은?
진행자: 간형우, Paul Kerry Korea sees panic selling in used EVs 기사 요약: 전기차 화재 이후 중고차 판매 시장에서 매물 쏟아지는 전기차 [1] A mass sell-off of EVs has begun in South Korea, following a fire involving a Mercedes-Benz EV in Incheon that destroyed more than 140 cars and sparked proposals to restrict EVs' access to underground parking lots. sell-off: 매각 spark: 촉발시키다 access: 입장 [2] Since the fire on Aug. 1, the market has been flooded with used EVs. K Car, Korea’s second-largest used car trading platform, r
Aug. 26, 2024
[팟캐스트] (612) 밤에도 더운 올해 여름, 역대 최장 열대야 기록
진행자: 간형우, Paul Kerry Seoul records 26 consecutive tropical nights, most on record 기사 요약: 지속되는 폭염으로 역대 최장기간 기록한 열대야 [1] Seoul has endured the longest streak of tropical nights on record, running for 26 consecutive days, and the hot weather is expected to continue. endure: 버티다 streak: 연속 tropical: 열대의 consecutive: 연이은 [2] The current streak, from July 21 to Aug. 15, ties the previous record set in 2018 for the longest run of tropical nights since modern weather monitoring began in 1907. tie: 비
Aug. 22, 2024
[팟캐스트] (611) '국민배우' 차인표, 옥스퍼드대학에서 강연하다?!
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer [Eye Interview] Actor-novelist Cha In-pyo reflects on trials of bringing his debut novel to global spotlight 기사 요약: 배우 차인표가 "미래 세대"를 위하여 썼다는 일제강점기 민족의 아픔 그려낸 소설, 옥스포드대 필독서로 지정되다 [1] Set in the peaks of Baekdusan in 1931, Cha In-pyo’s 2009 debut novel "Once We Look at the Same Star" captures the budding friendship of a young tiger hunter, Yong, and Suni, the village chief’s granddaughter, until their tranquil life is soon shattered by hi
Aug. 19, 2024
[팟캐스트] (610) 최소 인원으로 금메달만 13개! '파리의 기적' 이룬 한국 선수단
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer South Korea's Paris Olympics triumph: 13 golds secure historic success Weapon sports dominate as S. Korea achieves best summer Olympics performance in 12 years 기사 요약: 2024 파리올림픽에서 13개 금메달 획득해 '베이징·런던 올림픽 타이' 역사 쓴 선수단 [1] South Korea's Olympic team, comprising 144 athletes across 21 events, achieved at least 13 gold medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics, placing seventh overall, with athletes in shooting, fencing and archery playing pivotal roles
Aug. 15, 2024
[팟캐스트] (609) 맥도날드 진주 고추 크림치즈 버거와 보해양주 다시마주의 공통점은?
진행자: 간형우, Kevin Lee Selzer Loconomy: Food makers flock to locally sourced ingredients 기사 요약: 지역 특산물을 식재료로 활용해 새로운 메뉴와 식품 출시하는 회사들 [1] Food items made with locally sourced ingredients have emerged among food companies in Korea. flock: 모이다 source: 얻다 ingredient: 재료 emerge: 떠오르다 [2] This approach, which aligns with those companies’ corporate social responsibility efforts, supports economic growth in rural areas and offers unique experiences for consumers, collectively known as "loco
Aug. 12, 2024
[팟캐스트] (608) 이번에도 올림픽 휩쓴 한국 양궁이 강한 이유
진행자: 간형우, Kevin Lee Selzer Tall tales and theories on S. Korea's dominance in archery 기사 요약: 2024 파리올림픽 양궁 남녀단체전에서 다시 한 번 금메달 획득한 한국 대표팀의 이야기 [1] South Korea on Monday notched its third-straight gold medal in the Olympic men’s team event, defeating host nation France and completing a sweep of the women's and men's team events at this year's Paris Olympics. tall tale: 믿기 힘든 이야기 notch: 달성하다 defeat: 패배시키다 sweep: 완승 [2] Kim Woo-jin, Kim Je-deok and Lee Woo-seok hoisted
Aug. 8, 2024