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[팟캐스트] (539) 솔로들 다 모여, 직접 만남 주선하는 지자체들
진행자: 박준희, Beth Eunhee Hong [Weekender] Can't get a date? Try a temple ... or city hall 기사 요약: 솔로 남녀들 위해 만남 주선하는 절, 지자체들 [1] On a chilly Saturday afternoon, a group of people dressed in Buddhist vests and pants strolled slowly around a pagoda at Jogyesa,making wishes and touring different corners of the Buddhist temple in Jongno-gu, Seoul. *Chilly: 쌀쌀한, 추운 / Cold; Crisp; Frosty *Dressed in: 옷을 입고 / Clad in; Sported in *Strolled: (한가로이) 산책하다 / Wander; Take a walk [2] The 20 men and women w
Dec. 11, 2023
[팟캐스트] (538) ‘나 고독사 할지도 몰라’ 걱정하는 일용직 근로자
진행자: 박준희, Beth Eunhee Hong Day laborers, low-income earners fear lonely death 기사 요약: 고독사에 걱정하는 일용직 근로자, 소득 낮은 층 [1] Day laborers and low-income earners in South Korea feel that they have a high chance of dying alone and remaining unnoticed for days, compared to peers with regular jobs earning higher incomes, a survey showed Sunday. *Day laborer: 일용직 근로자 *Low-income: 소득이 낮은 *Regular job: 정규직 [2] Those employed and paid daily without a regular job feared they would have an average 41.8 perc
Dec. 7, 2023
[팟캐스트] (537) MZ가 주목하는 ‘고프코어룩’
진행자: 홍유, Naomi Ng ‘Gorpcore’ a global validation of Korean ajeossi’s fashion instincts? 기사 요약: “고프코어룩” 아저씨 패션이 세계 패션계에서 주목받다 [1] Long before the seemingly inscrutable neologism "gorpcore” entered the global fashion lexicon, middle-aged men in South Korea were trailblazing the look, seamlessly incorporating Gore-Tex jackets and hiking boots into their daily attire for work, dining and socializing. *inscrutable: 불가해한 *neologism: 신조어, 새로운 표현 *lexicon:
Dec. 4, 2023
[팟캐스트] (536) 초중고 장래희망 1위는?
진행자: 홍유, Naomi Ng Athletes, teachers, doctors chosen as dream jobs for Korean students: survey 기사 요약: 장래 희망 직업으로 초등학생은 운동선수를, 중학생과 고등학생은 교사를 가장 많이 선호하는 것으로 조사됐다. [1] Athletes topped the list of most desired jobs for elementary school students, while teaching was picked as the most coveted job among middle and high school students, a survey showed Sunday. *desired: 바랐던, 희망했던 *coveted: 탐내는 [2] Teaching and becoming a doctor were picked by elementary school children as the most desirable jo
Nov. 30, 2023
[팟캐스트] (535) 아빠가 달라졌다? 변화하는 아버지상/ 백양사 템플스테이 음식 맛 그 이상의 경험
진행자: 최정윤, Naomi Ng 1. Choosing children over career: Fatherhood changing in modern Korea 기사 요약: 커리어 대신 양육을 우선시하는 한국 아빠들의 바뀐 모습 Men’s gradual pivot to parenting comes in line with women’s career progress, past paternal trauma, experts say [1] A 37-year-old executive at a tech startup in Seoul surnamed Choi made what seemed a bold decision after welcoming the birth of his first child two years ago: he took three months of paternity leave. *paternity leave: 남자의 출산 휴가 (maternity leave
Nov. 23, 2023
[팟캐스트] (534) 킬러 문항 빠지고 4년만의 '노 마스크' 수능 열린다 / 새 미니앨범 ‘락스타’로 돌아온 스트레이키즈
진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot 1. Suneung to take place Thursday, but without 'killer questions' 기사 요약: 킬러 문항 없이 열리는 수능, 역대급 N수생 몰린다 [1] The Suneung, South Korea's national college entrance exam, is less than a week away, with this year's test seeing a number of changes. *entrance: 입구, 입장 *a number of ~ : 몇 가지의 ~ [2] The Education Ministry in June announced that it would exclude "killer questions" -- excessively difficult questions, the material for which is often not cove
Nov. 16, 2023
[팟캐스트] (533) 정부, 태국과 체류 및 입국심사 불만 문제 논의 의사/ 보스턴 미술관 사리구 반환협상 10년만에 재개
진행자: 김혜연, Naomi Ng 1. S. Korea, Thailand to work to resolve entry denial claims 기사 요약: 정부, 태국과 체류 및 입국 심사 불만 문제 논의할 의사 밝혀 [1] South Korea and Thailand are to jointly address the growing number of undocumented residents of Thai nationality here in response to complaints of some regular Thai travelers being denied entry to Korea. - undocumented residents 미등록 거주자들 [2] Seoul's Foreign Ministry said in a statement Saturday that First Vice Minister Chang Ho-jin proposed holding a bilateral consu
Nov. 9, 2023
[팟캐스트] (532) 연예인 마약수사가 정권의 기획? 민주당 '음모론' 제기 / '사기 혐의' 전청조 출국금지 조치
진행자: 박준희, Ali Abbot 1. Opposition lawmakers allege celebrity drug scandals are part of government coverup 기사 요약: 연예인 마약으로 이슈 덮는다? 민주당 '음모론' 제기 [1] While South Korean celebrities’ drug allegations continue to dominate headlines, the main opposition party claimed on Friday that the ongoing investigation into such drug scandals may have been premeditated to divert public attention from current political issues that are unfavorable to the ruling party and the government. * Allegat
Nov. 2, 2023
[팟캐스트] (531) ‘나의 아저씨’의 추락…이선균 이번 주 경찰 소환/ 삼성SDI, 현대차와 첫 배터리 공급 계약 체결
진행자: 홍유, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. From ‘Parasite’ actor to chaebol scion, drug use back in spotlight 기사 요약: 마약 투약 혐의로 내사를 받고 있는 배우 이선균이 이번 주 중 경찰에 소환돼 조사를 받을 예정이다. [1] Lee Sun-kyun, known for his role in Oscar-winning movie “Parasite,” could be summoned for questioning sometime this week, reports said Sunday, citing police, as part of an expanding investigation into suspected drug use involving the actor and seven others. *summon: 소환하다, 호출하다, 소집하다 [2] According to the
Oct. 26, 2023
[팟캐스트] (530) 길거리에 쓰레기 통이 늘어난다고? / 지하철 파업 현실화
진행자: 최정윤, Naomi Ng 1. Seoul to add more public trash cans by 2025 기사 요약: 길거리의 쓰레기통이 부족하다는 불만이 지속적으로 제기되자 서울시에선 2,500여 가량의 쓰레기통 추가 설치 계획을 발표. [1] The city of Seoul said Thursday that it will add over 2,500 new trash bins on the streets by 2025. The difficulty in disposing of trash in public spaces has been among the most common complaints from foreign visitors to the capital, as well as residents. Across Seoul, a city of some 10 million residents, there are currently fewer than 5,000 trash can
Oct. 19, 2023
[팟캐스트] (529) '머그샷 법' 통과 / 북 침공시 한국 지원에 대해 엇갈리는 미국 시민 반응
진행자: 최정윤, Beth Eunhee Hong 1.Korea to enforce public release of mugshots, identities of those who commit serious crimes 기사 요약: 중대범죄 피의자의 머그샷을 공개할 수 있도록 하는 ‘머그샷 법’이 국회에 통과됨에 따라 피의자의 최근 사진이 공개됨. [1] South Korea's parliament on Friday passed a bill that will allow law enforcement to release the mugshots of suspects arrested for serious crimes without their consent. *enforcement: (법률 등의) 집행/ 강요하다, 집행하다 *mugshot: 범인 식별용 얼굴 사진 *consent: 동의 [2] The passage of the law will create l
Oct. 12, 2023
[팟캐스트] (528) 전문가들이 말하는 강화된 마약 교육의 중요성 / K팝 리더 블랙핑크의 미래
진행자: 간형우, Ali Abbot 1. Tell the truth: Advanced drug education needed to curb teen exposure, experts say 기사 요약: 단순한 교육 영상물로는 더 이상 10대들의 마약 노출 위험을 방지할 수 없다는 전문가들의 조언 [1] Drug prevention education has long been thought of as a criminal issue in South Korea, but an increase in teenage drug offenders has led to wider calls for enhanced drug education. *prevention: 예방, 방지 *offender: 범죄자 *enhanced: 향상된 [2] As concerns grow over adolescents’ shallow awareness of drugs due to a lack of education
Oct. 5, 2023
[팟캐스트] (527) 무의미한 연명의료 거부 사전 서약자 200만명 육박/ 내년부터 유아, N수생 사교육 실태조사 나서기로 한 교육부
진행자: 김혜연, Naomi Ng 1. 2m Koreans opt out of life-extending treatments 요약: 임종 과정 중 무의미한 연명의료를 받지 않겠다는 사전연명의료의향서 서약자가 내달 200만명을 넘어설 것으로 예상된다. [1] Nearly two million individuals in Korea have formally declined life-extending medical interventions, choosing instead to prioritize their right to die with dignity when suffering from a terminal condition, data showed Sunday. *life-extension 연명, 생명 연장 *dignity 위엄, 존엄 *terminal 말기의, 불치의 [2] Data from the National Agency for Management of Life-Sustaining
Sept. 28, 2023
[팟캐스트] (526) 한국 정치인의 단식 속 정치학/ 한국 교사들의 교권 침해, 어디서부터 잘못 됐나
진행자: 최정윤, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. What drove Korea's once-revered teachers to despair? 요약: 논란이 계속 되고 있는 교사들의 교권 침해, 무엇이 한 때 존경 받던 선생님들을 절망으로 몰아 넣었나 [1] For Kim, a retired teacher in her late 60s, teaching was one of the greatest gifts of her life. Recalling students’ laughter and small parties in classrooms celebrating Teachers’ Day every year, she was a teacher who was revered and appreciated by both students and parents. *despair: 절망/ 체념하다 *revere: 숭배하다, 존경하다 (respect, admire, th
Sept. 21, 2023
[팟캐스트] (525) 정부 “모로코 강진 피해 위로…필요한 지원 긴밀히 협조할 것”/ 왜 한국에서는 모두 흰 가운을 입고 싶어 하나
진행자: 홍유, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. S. Korea to work closely with Morocco for support over devastating quake 기사 요약: 정부가 강진으로 대규모 피해를 본 모로코에 필요한 지원 제공하기 위해 긴밀히 협조하겠다고 밝혔다. [1] South Korea's foreign ministry said Sunday it will closely cooperate with Morocco and the international community to provide necessary support for the North African country over a massive earthquake. *cooperate: 협력하다 *international community: 국제사회 *massive: 거대한 [2] Late Friday, the 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Moro
Sept. 14, 2023
[팟캐스트] (524) 의료계 반발에도 ‘수술실 CCTV’ 설치 의무화 됐다 / 드라마 흥행에 덩달아 높아지는 원작 인기
진행자: 박준희, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. Surveillance cameras in operating rooms to be mandatory from this month 기사 요약: 의료계 반발에 불구하고 수술실 CCTV 설치 의무화 됐다 [1] Hospitals will be required to install cameras in operating rooms and to video-record surgical procedures upon the request of patients or guardians from later this month, despite adamant opposition from doctors. * Install: (장비·가구를) 설치[설비]하다 * Surgical: 외과의, 수술의 * Surgical procedure: 수술 절차 * Upon the request of: ~의 요청으로 * Adamant: 단호한 [2]
Sept. 7, 2023
[팟캐스트] (523) 한국에서 팁 문화, 정착될까? / '난자 냉동시술비' 정부 지원
진행자: 최정윤, Ali Abbot 1. Tipping culture sparks controversy among Koreans 기사 요약: 늘어나는 '팁 문화'에 한국서 상반된 반응 나타나 [1] A popular Seoul-based bagel shop recently became a lightning rod when a photo from the shop went viral online. Sitting next to the cash register was a tip jar -- a sight that touched the nerves of many Koreans who feel store owners are shifting the burden of rising operating costs to consumers by attempting to introduce gratuities. *rod: (쇠)막대기, lightening rod: 피뢰침, 논란의 대상 *t
Aug. 31, 2023
[팟캐스트] (522) 금수저 패션? ‘올드머니룩’이 뜬다 / 급격한 기후변화와 자연재해에 기후우울증 늘어난다
진행자: 조혜림, Naomi Ng 1. [Weekender] 'Old money' rises as the new black in fashion 기사요약: 부자들의 패션 ‘올드머니룩’이 새로운 유행이다. 과시보단 기본에 충실하지만 좋은 소재, 모양 등 디테일에 주목한 아이템들로 꾸미는 스타일이다. [1] Old money refers to wealth that is deeply rooted in tradition, or wealth that is inherited rather than acquired through personal earnings. In this regard, the idea behind the old money look means looking like someone who comes from generational wealth. *rooted: ~에 뿌리(근원)을 둔 *inherit: 상속받다, 물려받다 *acqu
Aug. 24, 2023
[팟캐스트] (521) 우여곡절 잼버리 대회 K팝과 사과로 마무리 / 서울 시내 대낮 비키니 차림 오토바이 질주 논란
진행자: 간형우, Naomi Ng 1. Tumultuous World Scout Jamboree comes to end with K-pop flair, apology 기사 요약: 말 많고 탈 많았던 제 25회 세계 잼버리 대회 K팝 콘서트와 함께 마무리 [1] The 25th World Scout Jamboree, after a tumultuous 12-day run, came to an end Friday at the Seoul World Cup Stadium. *tumultuous: 떠들썩한, 소란한 [2] Despite the frequent changes and troubles that plagued the Jamboree, around 40,000 participants gathered in Seoul for the closing ceremony and for the “K-pop Super Live” concert that followed. *fre
Aug. 17, 2023
[팟캐스트] (520) 젊은이들 사이 확산되는 '통화 기피증'/ 가톨릭 '세계청년대회' 2027년 서울 개최 확정
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. Why young people have 'call phobia' and how to manage it 기사 요약: 젊은이들 사이 확산되는 '통화 기피증' [1] A minute away from initiating a phone call with her landlord, Lee Hyun-jung, a 24-year-old college graduate, feels her heart racing and palms getting sweaty. These all-too-familiar symptoms seem to arise when she has to make or receive a phone call, prompting her to avoid speaking on the phone whenever possible. * symptom 증상, 조짐 * prompt to 촉발하다 [2] Phone
Aug. 10, 2023