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[팟캐스트] (480) 지난해 지구 온실가스 농도 최대치 / 북한, 사상 첫 NLL 이남에 탄도미사일 도발
진행자: 조혜림, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. Greenhouse gases reach new record in 2021 기사요약: 지난해 전 지구의 온실가스 농도가 최대치를 경신했다. 특히 이산화탄소보다 온실효과가 28배 메탄의 농도가 관측 이래 가장 큰 상승폭을 보였다. [1] GENEVA -- The three main greenhouse gases hit record high levels in the atmosphere last year, the UN weather agency said Wednesday, calling it an “ominous” sign/ as war in Ukraine, rising costs of food and fuel, and other worries have elbowed in on longtime concerns about global warming in recent months. *record h
Nov. 3, 2022
[팟캐스트] (479) “이곳에선 타투를 금합니다” 타투 법제화 관련 남은 과제/ 싱가폴의 역사를 품은 휴양지, 센토사섬
진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer 1. 'No tattoos allowed here' 기사 요약: 자기표현의 수단 문신, 하지만 여전히 타투에 대한 부정적 인식을 가진 시설들을 조명해 본다. [1] Tattoos were once considered a badge for gangsters in Korea, but they have become a medium of self-expression or a fashion statement among younger generations. *badge 표, 배지 *self-expression 자기표현 [2] Many are not reluctant to show off their inked skin in public or on social media, but there still persists a societal stigma surrounding the body art. *reluctant 꺼리는, 마지못한, 주저하는
Oct. 27, 2022
[팟캐스트] (478) 이병헌·유아인 주연 영화 ‘승부’ 영화관 건너 뛰고 넷플릭스행 논의 중 / 동거·사실혼 남녀 10명 중 3명 "정부 지원서 차별 겪었다"
진행자: 간형우, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. 'The Match' starring Lee Byung-hun, Yoo Ah-in mulls skipping theaters for Netflix release 기사 요약: 이병헌·유아인 주연 영화 ‘승부,’ 영화관 개봉 대신 넷플릭스 공개행을 논의 중인 것으로 알려졌다. [1] New drama film “The Match,” which stars big-name actors Lee Byung-hun and Yoo Ah-in as Go players, is considering skipping a theatrical release and going straight to a streaming platform. *mull: 숙고하다, 실수하다 *Go: 바둑 *consider: 고려하다 [2] Netflix on Wednesday said they are
Oct. 20, 2022
[팟캐스트] (477) 마약 늪에 빠진 한국, 해법은? / 野 “여가부, 폐지 아닌 확대 필요”
진행자: 박준희, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. Soaring drug use catches Korea unprepared 기사 요약: 마약 유통과 공급이 다양한 통로로 급속도로 퍼지면서 한국은 “마약 청정국”에서 벗어나고 있다. 마약 늪에 빠진 한국, 그 해법은? Korea, once touted by the government as “drug-free,” is seeing a fast rise in drug offences. Experts say the government’s belated crackdown is not enough, and prevention and rehabilitation efforts are needed alongside it. * Touted: 장점을 내세우다 * Drug-free: 마약, 마약 복용자가 없는 * Offence: 위법행위; 범죄 * Crackdown: 엄중 단속 * Rehabil
Oct. 13, 2022
[팟캐스트](476) 1인 가구 시대 온다/ “리즈 시절”, 외국인은 쓸까? 단어의 유래 이모저
진행자: 최정윤, Brolley Genster [1] Four out of 10 households in South Korea are projected to be single-person by 2040, with the portion of families of four or more – once the most common form of family here – shrinking to 10 percent, a report showed Monday. *portion: (더 큰 것의) 부분[일부] *shrink: (규모양이) 줄어들다 /줄어들게 하다 [2] According to a report compiled by KB Financial Group, the number of single-person households was 7.1 million, or 33.4 percent of the total, last year. And the figure is expe
Oct. 6, 2022
[팟캐스트] (475) 7명 숨진 대전현대아울렛 화재/ 前 재규어 디자이너 “차에 대한 생각 변화가 필요한 시기”
진행자: 홍유, Brolley Genster 1. Death toll climbs to 7 in Daejeon outlet mall fire 기사요약: 26일 오전 7시 45분께 대전 유성구 용산동 소재 현대 프리미엄아울렛 대전점에서 대형 화재가 발생해 7명이 숨지고 1명이 크게 다치는 참사가 발생했다. [1] The death toll from an outlet mall fire in the central city of Daejeon has risen to seven, officials said Monday, as a search is underway to determine whether there are any other victims. *underway: 진행중인 *determine: 알아내다 [2] The blaze is believed to have started from the basement parking lot at Hyundai Prem
Sept. 29, 2022
[팟캐스트] (474) 엘리자베스 2세 여왕 장례식 / 김신영, 전국노래자랑 2막을 열다
진행자: 조혜림, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. Britain and the world say farewell to Queen Elizabeth II 기사요약: 영국 최장수 군주로 70년간 재위한 엘리자베스 2세 여왕의 국가 장례식이 거행됐다. 1952년 25세의 나이로 왕위에 오른 엘리자베스 여왕은 96세의 나이로 서거했다. [1] Queen Elizabeth II will be laid to rest on Monday, after a state funeral attended by leaders from around the world and a historic last ceremonial journey through the packed streets of London. *be laid to rest: 안장되다 *packed: 꽉 들어찬 [2] Britain last held a state funeral in 1965 for the country
Sept. 22, 2022
[팟캐스트] (473) 일본제품 불매 운동 분위기 사그러들어/ 나무 심기, 도심 기온 상승 완화에 최선일까?
진행자: 김혜연, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. 3 years after 'No Japan' boycott, sentiment toward Japan starts to thaw [1] The frozen relationship between South Korea and Japan seems to be thawing, at least among the general public. * frozen relationship 경색된 관계 * thaw 녹다, 풀리다 [2] Korean people’s positive sentiment toward Japan bounced back to levels last seen in 2019, before Japan imposed trade sanctions on Korea over historical conflicts and S. Koreans responded with the “No Japan” boyco
Sept. 16, 2022
[팟캐스트] (472) 김건희 여사를 둘러싼 여러 논란 / 국내 연구진 “온실가스 저감돼도 지구온난화 되돌리기 어렵다”
진행자: 간형우, Naomi Garyan 1. What’s all the fuss about first lady? [1] Stock price manipulation, luxury items omitted from personal assets disclosure, inviting a police officer involved in an ongoing investigation to an official event, allegations of plagiarism and calls for further investigations, falsification of credentials, suspicious developments in hiring at and construction contracts for government facilities. *manipulation: 조작 *omit: 빠뜨리다, 누락하다 *plagiarism: 표절 *falsification: 위조 *c
Sept. 8, 2022
[팟캐스트] (471) 경복궁에서 예정된 구찌 패션쇼 전격 취소 / 민주당 “김건희 특검 추진...봐주기 수사한다면”
진행자: 박준희, Beth Eunhee Hong 1) Gucci fashion show in Gyeongbokgung canceled after controversial fashion photo shoot at Cheong Wa Dae 기사 요약: 청와대서 화보 촬영에 경복궁에서 열릴 구찌 패션쇼 전격 취소 After a recent fashion photo shoot by Vogue Korea on Cheong Wa Dae grounds sparked widespread public criticism, the Cultural Heritage Administration called off luxury brand Gucci’s fashion show in Gyeongbokgung, scheduled for Nov. 1, the CHA confirmed Monday. *Call off: 중지하다, 취소하다 *Ground: 땅 *Sparked: 촉발시키다;
Sept. 1, 2022
[팟캐스트](470) 치솟는 배달비에 소비자 배달앱 만족도 하락/ 尹 "수원 세모녀처럼 복지정보시스템 작동안되는 곳 특단조치"
진행자: 홍유, Brolley Genster 1. No one’s really happy with food delivery platforms anymore When food delivery platforms first emerged, they were hailed as an innovative new business that would bring convenience to our everyday lives. *hailed: (특히 신문 등에서 아주 훌륭하거나 특별한 것으로) 묘사하다 *innovative: 혁신적인 With just a few taps, foodies were able to enjoy a wide range of dishes delivered right to their doorsteps. Small restaurants could reach a much wider pool of customers. People got jobs a
Aug. 25, 2022
[팟캐스트](469) 윤석열에 등돌린 2030 남성들?/ 韓, 성평등 지수 146개국 중 99위
진행자: 최정윤, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. 'Angry young men' are turning their backs on Yoon [1] “Disgruntled young men” were one of the main forces behind the rise of a political novice named Yoon Suk-yeol to the highest office in South Korea earlier this year. Yoon, whose career had been entirely focused on rounding up bad guys as a state prosecutor, was hoped to restore justice in a society that they say was tilted in favor of feminists, labor unions and North Korean sympathizers. *disgru
Aug. 18, 2022
[팟캐스트] (468) 소녀시대 15주년 맞이 5년만에 컴백 / 미 하원의장 대만 방문에 중국 국민들 반응은?
진행자: 조혜림, Naomi Garyan 1. 15-year longevity possible because ‘Girls’ Generation is Girls’ Generation’s fan’ [1] Just like the title of the band’s first single, “Into the New World,” Girls’ Generation opened up a new era in the K-pop scene with their debut on Aug. 5, 2007. The nine-piece instantly took the nation by storm, reigning on the top of the charts and popularity for years. *nine-piece: 9명의 (밴드) *take by storm: 마음을 사로잡다, 넋을 잃게 하다,
Aug. 11, 2022
[팟캐스트] (467) 운전자 부주의, 도로 사망 주원인으로 이어져/ 원기 충전 보양식
진행자: 김혜연, Naomi Garyan 1. Negligence outstrips alcohol as leading cause of road deaths [1] Around a fortnight ago, emergency operators in North Chungcheong Province received a call from a driver who suffered second-degree burns while driving. The cause of the accident? Trying to enjoy a bowl of hot noodles while driving on the freeway, for some reason. * outstrip: 앞지르다, 능가하다 * fortnight : 2주일(간) * second-degree burn: 2도 화상 [2] What seems to be a random act of foolishness is actually linke
Aug. 4, 2022
[팟캐스트] (466) 세계보건기구, 원숭이두창 비상사태 선포 / 소주, 다양한 형태와 가격으로 돌아오다
진행자: 간형우, Brolley Genster 1. WHO triggers highest alert on monkeypox [1] GENEVA -- The World Health Organization on Saturday declared the monkeypox outbreak, which has affected nearly 17,000 people in 74 countries, to be a global health emergency -- the highest alarm it can sound. *declare: 선언하다 *monkeypox: 원숭이두창 *affect: 영향을 미치다 *nearly: 거의 [2] "I have decided that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern," WHO chie
July 28, 2022
[팟캐스트] (465) 3년 만에 서울광장 돌아온 퀴어축제 / 12년 만에 재판정 오른 사형제도
진행자: 박준희, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. Pride festival returns to Seoul after two-year hiatus 기사 요약: 3년 만에 서울광장 돌아온 퀴어축제…인근서는 맞불 집회 Thousands of people gathered in front of City Hall in Seoul to attend the Seoul Queer Culture Festival on Saturday, marking the event’s return after two years of a pandemic-induced hiatus. * Gathered: 모이다 * To attend: 참석하다; ~에 다니다 * Induced: 초래하다 * Marking: ~기념하다 * Hiatus: 중단 With rainbow flags, colorful outfits,
July 21, 2022
[팟캐스트] (464) 아베 前 일본 총리 선거 유세 중 피격 사망/ 이스탄불서 이륙한 대한항공 여객기, 엔진 결함으로 긴급 착륙
진행자: 홍유, Naomi Garyan 1. Former Japan PM Abe dies after being shot during campaign event [1] Abe was immediately rushed to the Nara Medical University and was in cardiopulmonary arrest, reports at the time showed. The crime occurred only a few minutes after he started a speech outside a main train station in western Nara. *cardiopulmonary arrest: 심폐정지 *rush to: 우하고 몰려오다 [2] People at the scene reportedly heard “something like gunshots” and saw Abe bleeding fr
July 13, 2022
[팟캐스트] (463) 소비자물가, 외환위기 이후 24년 만에 6% 상승 / 50년만에 뒤집힌 美 임신중지권
진행자: 최정윤, Brolley Genster 1. S. Korea's inflation at 24-year high in June; sharp rate hike in offing [1] South Korea's consumer prices rose at the fastest clip in nearly 24 years in June due mainly to soaring energy costs, data showed Tuesday, fanning expectations of a sharp rate hike this month. *clip: 속도 *fan: 부채질을 하다, 가속화하다 [2] Consumer prices soared 6 percent last month from a year earlier, accelerating from a 5.4 percent on-year spike in May, according to the
July 7, 2022
[팟캐스트] (462) 서울대 연구팀, 세계 최고 AI 학술대회에 표절논문 제출 / 싸이월드, 유족에 데이터상속… 사진첩 등 접근권한 준다
*진행자: 간형우, Naomi Garyan 1. SNU research team busted for blatant plagiarism [1] A research team under Seoul National University admitted to submitting a plagiarized paper at an international conference after accusations spread online. The team, led by professor Yoon Sung-roh from the prestigious Seoul National University, submitted a paper at the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition held earlier this week in New Orleans. *plagiarize: 표절하다 *accusation: 혐의(제기), 비난, 고발
June 29, 2022
[팟캐스트] (461) 한국에 상륙한 파라마운트 플러스/ 부산 여행의 낮과 밤
진행자: 김혜연, Beth Eunhee Hong 1. Paramount+ launches in S. Korea on Tving with high hopes, goals 기사요약: 티빙과 손잡고 한국을 아시아의 첫 번째 마켓으로 공략하는 파라마운트 플러스 Korea launch marks critical moment of our expansion as the first time the service lands in Asia: Paramount official [1] Paramount+ landed in South Korea Thursday as a free-to-view addition to Tving, local entertainment powerhouse CJ ENM‘s subscription-based streaming platform. * free-to-view: 무료로 볼 수 있는 * powerhouse: 실세, 동력 [2] “It is no sec
June 22, 2022