The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트] (547) 현대차, 미래항공모빌리티 시대 시장 선도

By Hong Yoo

Published : Jan. 8, 2024 - 17:15

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Supernal's concept model of electric air vehicle (Supernal) Supernal's concept model of electric air vehicle (Supernal)

진행자: 홍유, Naomi

Hyundai Motor aims to open era of flying mobility

기사 요약: 현대자동차그룹의 미국 도심항공모빌리티 법인 슈퍼널이 미래항공모빌리티 생태계 구축 전략을 제시한다.

[1] Flying cars have long been a fixture in science fiction movies. For Hyundai Motor Group, the vision of vehicles flying in the air is not just a whimsical idea anymore as the Korean auto giant appears determined to make them a reality in the near future.

*fixture: 고정 세간

*whimsical: 엉뚱한, 기발한

[2] Supernal, Hyundai Motor Group’s US-based advanced air mobility company, is gearing up to showcase the life-size concept model of its electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle, or eVTOL, at CES 2024 to be held at the Las Vegas Convention Center from Jan. 9 to 12. The AAM firm will present its vision and strategies at the world’s largest tech exhibition.

*gear up: 채비하다, 준비를 갖추다

[3] Supernal is also building a vertiport exhibition outside the convention venue to offer visitors a chance to experience what it is like to ride the urban air mobility. Rooted in the word heliport, the term vertiport refers to an area built for eVTOL’s takeoff and landing.

*be rooted in: …에 원인이 있다, …에 뿌리박고 있다

[4] Supernal will present its vision and strategy to establish the ecosystem for AAM at CES including the operation of the eVTOL and potential flight networks and reveal which roles Hyundai Motor Group will play in its future road map.

*potential: 가능성이 있는, 잠재적인

*reveal: 드러내다


[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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