The Korea Herald


Kim Jong-Un and the mystery smartphone

By Korea Herald

Published : Feb. 5, 2013 - 14:16

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This photo is not directly related to the article. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un gives his first speech for the New Year in Pyongyang, North Korea. (Yonhap News) This photo is not directly related to the article. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un gives his first speech for the New Year in Pyongyang, North Korea. (Yonhap News)

A picture of North Korea‘s Kim Jong-Un with a smartphone has triggered fevered speculation about which brand is favoured by the leader of one of the world’s most repressive nations.

The photo released by the North‘s state media showed Kim presiding over a meeting with top national security advisers last week -- a meeting believed to have been focused on Pyongyang’s threat to conduct an imminent nuclear test.

It also showed a black smartphone on the table next to Kim‘s arm -- as well as a lit cigarette in his hand.

“It’s believed that the smartphone belonged to Kim given that the device was placed right next to the documents he was looking at,” a Seoul government official told AFP.

The South Korean media gave the picture prominent coverage, opening a debate over the manufacturer, with speculation ranging between South Korea‘s own Samsung, Taiwan’s HTC and iPhone maker Apple.

Samsung, the world‘s top smartphone maker, was adamant that one of its flagship Galaxy models had not turned up across the border.

“It’s not a Samsung phone,” a company spokesman told AFP, adding that it looked more like an HTC model.

The Seoul government official said the picture had been analysed by the South‘s intelligence agency which also concluded that the Taiwanese firm was the likely manufacturer.

HTC declined to identify the device but said in a statement that the company appreciated the “support of all users”.

While North Koreans live in probably the most isolated and censored society on the planet, the country is not a complete IT desert.

Mobile phones were introduced in 2008 through a joint venture with the Egyptian telecom firm Orascom, and a domestic Intranet was launched in 2002.

But the one million normal cellphone subscribers can only phone each other, not outside the country, and the Intranet is similarly cut off from the rest of the worldwide web.

“Kim and his family members as well as the North’s political elite appear to use smartphones or other mobile phones capable of accessing the Internet,” said the Seoul official.

Kim, believed to be in his late 20s, took over the country after the death of his father Kim Jong-Il in December 2011, completing a second dynastic succession of the Kim family. (AFP)

<관련 한글 기사>

"김정은"의 스마트폰 기종은?

북한 최고통치자 김정은이 최근 임원들과의 회의 석상에서 스마트폰을 쓰는 모습이 드러나 화제다.

지난 주 핵 실험과 관련된 각료회의에서 김정은이 소지하고 있던 스마트폰은 검정색이었다. 한 손에는 언제나처럼 담배를 들고 있었다.

스마트폰 기종에 대해서는 삼성, 대만의 HTC 혹은 애플의 아이폰일 것이라는 추측이 돌고 있다.

삼성은 북한으로 갤럭시 모델을 보낸 적이 없다는 주장이다. 삼성 관계자는 자회사의 제품이 아니라며 HTC 모델일 가능성이 높다고 전했다.

HTC 측은 언급을 피했다. 그러나 HTC는 모두가 이용할 수 있다는 뜻을 서면으로 밝힌 바 있다.

전문가들은 독재 체제 하 북한에서 인터넷 사용이 일반적인 일은 아니지만, 인터넷 황무지는 아니라고 분석한다. 북한 내 인터넷은 2002년 도입되었고 휴대폰은 이집트 회사인 오라스콤(Orascom)과 2008년 최초로 계약을 맺었다.

북한의 휴대폰 사용자 수는 1백만명이며 국외 통화는 불가능하다. 인터넷 연결 또한 해외 정보로부터 제한된 모습이다.

"김정은을 비롯해 여러 고위급 간부들은 스마트폰을 이용해 인터넷을 이용하고 있는 것으로 보인다."고 한국 정부가 전했다.

김정은은 20대 후반으로 아버지인 김정일이 2011년 12월 사망한 이래 북한 최고통치자의 지위에 있다. (코리아헤럴드)