The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트] (449) 핑크퐁 아기상어 쇼에 출연하는 래퍼 카디비 / “코로나 미감염자 대인관계에 문제 있다”

By Korea Herald

Published : March 30, 2022 - 17:03

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*진행자: 간형우, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. Cardi B to star in 'Baby Shark’s Big Show!' as Sharki B

기사 요약: 핑크퐁 아기상어 쇼에 출연하는 래퍼 카디비

[1] Pinkfong, the company behind the hit YouTube “Baby Shark Dance,” is collaborating with American rap superstar Cardi B. The rapper is scheduled to guest-star in “Baby Shark’s Big Show!”, a television program jointly produced by Pinkfong and children’s entertainment network Nickelodeon, according to a press release from The Pinkfong Company on Friday.

*guest-star: 특별 출연하다
*jointly: 공동으로

[2] “Inspired by the rapper, a new character Sharki B and her family -- Offshark (played by Cardi B’s husband and rapper Offset) and Kulture Shark (played by her daughter Kulture) -- will go on a new oceanic voyage in an upcoming episode, set to be released on April 15,” a Pinkfong official said.

*Inspired by ~: ~에 영감을 받아
*voyage: 여행, 항해

[3] The upcoming episode features Baby Shark, also known as Ollie, and his best friend William meeting Sharki B and learning a new song and dance, “The Seaweed Sway.” Fans can enjoy the music ahead of the show starting from April 8 on various streaming channels, including Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music and more.

*feature: ~를 특색(특징)으로 하다
*sway: 흔들림

[4] A huge “Baby Shark” fan, Cardi B posted on her Instagram in 2019 a clip showing the rapper walking the runway to the globally popular song. She also revealed that her daughter loved the music from “Baby Shark” as well.

*runway: 패션쇼 런웨이, 활주로
*reveal: 드러내다, 밝히다

기사 원문:

2. Doctor says those without COVID-19 have no friends

기사 요약: 코로나 미감염자는 대인관계에 문제 있다고 말한 의사

[1] The reason you haven’t contracted COVID-19 yet? Probably because you have no friends. At least, that’s what one South Korean physician believes.

*contract: 계약, 줄어들다, 걸리다
*physician: 의사

[2] “The adults who have not yet been infected with COVID-19 are those who have interpersonal problems,” read a Facebook post uploaded by Ma Sang-hyuk, vice president of the Korean Vaccine Society on March 16. The post was removed but a screenshot has been widely shared online, sparking controversy.

*infected with ~: ~에 감염되다
*removed: 치워진, 없애진
*spark: 불꽃, 촉발시키다

[3] Unlike other virus experts, Ma has been asserting that the government should focus on treatment rather than strengthening social distancing measures as the spread of the omicron COVID-19 variant runs rampant throughout the country.

*assert: 주장하다
*rampant: 걷잡을 수 없는, 만연하는

[4] His post was made when daily COVID-19 case numbers exceeded 400,000 and critical patients and deaths were hitting record highs. As of Tuesday morning, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in South Korea stood at 9.93 million, meaning nearly one in five people in the country have tested positive.

*exceed: 넘다, 넘어서다
*cumulative: 누적된

기사 원문:

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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