The Korea Herald


[Other view] ‘Killing Fields’ harvest of injustice: 1.7 million killed, 3 convictions

By Korea Herald

Published : April 13, 2017 - 17:46

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A visit to the memorial at Choeung Ek, a mass grave in Phnom Penh, offers a glimpse into the magnitude of Pol Pot’s butchery. Thousands of skulls stacked atop each other on shelves that reach skyward -- a pillar of death that gives scale to the depravity of the Khmer Rouge.

From 1975 to 1979, the Khmer Rouge regime killed 1.7 million Cambodians, one of the worst mass murders the world has ever seen. Pol Pot died in 1998. But many others -- the despot’s inner circle, his commanders, the overseers of the “Killing Fields” -- also had blood on their hands.

Since 2006, a United Nations-backed tribunal made up of international and Cambodian judges and prosecutors has been investigating the mass killings, with the aim of bringing to justice the architects of the Cambodian genocide. Now, after 11 years, after spending $300 million, what has been the tribunal’s yield so far? Three convictions, The New York Times reports.

From its inception, the tribunal has been hamstrung by its hybrid makeup. It’s the product of a compromise between the UN and the Cambodian government, which sought a layer of sovereignty over the court’s affairs.

The court has limited itself to pursuing only senior Khmer Rouge leaders and individuals deemed “most responsible” for the mass killings.

Genocide is a crime horrific enough to warrant the world’s oversight of its prosecution and adjudication. It’s why the UN oversees the International Criminal Court in The Hague, and initiated tribunals for the mass killings associated with the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.

Some apologists argue it’s enough that the tribunal’s work has shed light on a dark chapter in Cambodia’s past, allowing its people to reconcile and move on. That is not, however, the purpose of tribunals that investigate and prosecute those accused of mass killings. The aim should always be straightforward and unambiguous. “Trials at best, convict the guilty and exonerate the innocent,” Peter Maguire, who has taught law and war theory at Columbia University, told the Times. Anything less simply isn’t justice.

(Chicago Tribune)