The Korea Herald


'Women spend 5 hours gossiping per day'


Published : Aug. 15, 2011 - 11:58

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The average woman spends around five hours gossiping every day, the Daily Mail reported, citing a study.

(Yonhap News) (Yonhap News)

Women natter for around 298 minutes every day -- the equivalent of more than one third of their waking hours, it said.

The survey was commissioned to mark FirstCape Cafi Collection’s search to find Britain’s Queen of Chat.

Discussing other people’s problems, who is dating who and other people’s children form the basis of most of the conversation.

Other subjects that come up most regularly include sex, shopping and the soaps such as Eastenders or Coronation Street.

The report also found women spend 24 minutes a day discussing their weight, diets and dress size.

And one third of women say they spend a chunk of their day discussing what they are eating for lunch, while one quarter regularly exchange recipes.


1. Shopping

2. Diet and exercise

3. Holidays

4. What they would do with a lottery win

5. Health worries

6. Lunch

7. Who’s seeing who

8. Other people’s relationship problems

9. Children

10. Recipes

11. Discussing arguments with their partner

12. Dress size

13. Soaps

14. Children

15. Other people’s children

16. Who they are attracted to

17. Mother-in-law

18. Cosmetic surgery

19. Complaining about partner

20. How people are aging



여성들 하루 평균 5시간 수다에 소비

여성들이 하루에 수다에 쓰는 시간은 평균 5시간인 것으로 영국의 한 조사 결과 나타났다.

데일리 메일의 보도에 따르면 여자들이 하루에 수다에 들이는 시간은 298분으로 깨어있는 시간의 약 3분의 1에 해당한다고 한다. 

가장 많이 얘기하는 주제는 다른 사람들의 문제, 누가 누구와 연예하는 지, 그리고 타인들의 자녀 문제이며 그 외 섹스, 쇼핑, TV 연속극 등이라고 연구진들은 밝혔다.

또한 하루 평균 24분 동안 몸무게와, 식사습관, 옷의 크기에 관해 얘기를 한다고 한다.

이번 조사는 “영국의 수다여왕”을 찾기 위한 FirstCape Cafi Collection에서 의뢰해 이루어졌다.