The Korea Herald


iPhone app uncovers stunning view of N.K.

By 이종민

Published : July 5, 2011 - 19:44

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A U.S. photo album app maker released its latest app, showcasing more than 1,000 photos of North Korea, from all facets of life.

Fotopedia North Korea, available free for the iPhone, iPod and iPad at the App Store, features photos by world renown photographer Eric Lafforgue from his visits into the isolated country.

“I traveled to North Korea four times between 2008 and 2010, always under strict supervision. Taking pictures was a constant game of cat and mouse,” said Lafforgue.

The app covers a wide range of topics from propaganda, the Korea People’s Army and the Workers’ Party to different regions and people, and includes detailed descriptions from Wikipedia.

“I chose to photograph everything I could, without passing judgment, even if some images could be considered shocking from the point of view of the rest of the world,” he said.

Many of Lafforgue’s photos showcase the ongoing clash between the incessant flow of U.S. culture and the so-called Hermit Kingdom’s desperate attempt to isolate itself, as depicted by a girl wearing a McDonald’s shirt.

Fotopedia North Korea is available in 7 different languages, including Korean, Spanish and French.

Eric Lafforgue’s work has been featured in numerous publications, including National Geographics, Time Magazine and others.

By Robert Lee (