Articles by 최정민
본격적인 사이버 보안 전문가 양성에 돌입한 한국
국내 사이버 안보 전문가들 양성에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 한국은 몇 차례의 해킹 공격으로 인해 방송, 금융과 정부 기관들이 마비되는 사건들을 겪었다. 이 중 많은 공격들이 남한과 대치상태에 있는 북한에서 발생한 것으로 밝혀졌다.고려대학교 정보보호대학원 임종인 학장은 코리아 헤럴드와의 인터뷰에서 “일반적으로 방어를 하는 측이 공격을 하는 쪽보다 3~4배 정도 많은 인력이 필요하다. 북한은 연간 300 여명의 사이버 군을 양성하는데, 우리는 이제 시작점에서 30~40명을 배출하고 있다.” 고 전했다.북한과의 차이를 좁히기 위해 미래과학기술부는 2017년까지 “화이트 해커”를 5000명 양성할 것이라고 밝혔다.정부가 발표한 5000명의 전문가들 중에서, 1260명은 정부차원에서 양성하기로 했다. 이들은 고려대 사이버국방학과, 한국정보기술연구원과 한국인터넷증흥원 등 정부 소속 기관들을 통해 배출된다. 2011년 설립된 고려대 사이버국방학과는 이러한 인재양성산업의 선두에 서있다. 커리큘
한국어판 July 19, 2013
Egypt's interim leader vows to protect nation
Egypt's interim president pledged Thursday to protect his country against those who seek chaos and violence in the aftermath of a popularly backed military coup, promising that justice and reconciliation will be for all. President Adly Mansour gave his first address to the nation ahead of planned protests Friday by ousted President Mohammed Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt's military, worried by post-coup violence that already has killed more than 60 people, issued a stern warning about causing
World News July 19, 2013
Mexico's 1st gay mayor elected in rough north
The first openly gay mayor ever elected in Mexico is scheduled to take office in the rough, violence-plagued state of Zacatecas in September.It's an unexpected place to see a step forward in gay rights. The city of Fresnillo has become better known recently for gang shootouts.Mayor-elect Benjamin Medrano says he doesn't think he's at risk from the drug violence, but is proud to be openly gay.He said Thursday he won't challenge the Catholic church, or advocate for gay marriage or adoption.Medrano
People July 19, 2013
Moody's upgrades outlook for US government debt
Moody's Investors Service upgraded the outlook for U.S. government debt to ``stable'' from ``negative'' and affirmed the United States' blue chip Aaa rating.The rating agency cited a surprising drop in the federal deficit _ the difference between what the government collects in taxes and what it spends. The U.S. government is on track to report its lowest annual deficit in five years.Through the first eight months of the budget year, the deficit has totaled $509.8 billion, according to the Treas
World Business July 19, 2013
U.N. team to begin probe on N. Korean ship in early August
A five-member U.N. team is scheduled to arrive in Panama in early August for an on-site examination of a North Korean ship seized for carrying weapons from Cuba, officials said Thursday.Panama raided the 14,000-ton Chong Chon Gang ship last week as it tried to pass through the Panama Canal. It is alleged to be transporting contraband weapons in violation of U.N. sanctions.The Panamanian authorities asked the U.N. Security Council Sanctions Committee to investigate the case.The team of five exper
World News July 19, 2013
Internet shows its muscle by making Emmy history
The Emmy Awards are television's biggest celebration of itself, but this year's ceremony will face an intruder: ``House of Cards,'' the first online series to nab a top nomination with its best drama series.The nomination, one of nine nods earned by the political thriller, is a marker in the unfolding revolution in how audiences receive and watch video entertainment. Netflix's triumph on Thursday also included nods for its revival of ``Arrested Development.'' Kevin Spacey, the nominated star of
Television July 19, 2013
Dow, S&P 500 hit record highs on earnings, Fed
The Dow and the S&P 500 closed at new record highs Thursday on robust corporate earnings reports and the latest reaffirmation of the Federal Reserve's easy-money policy.The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 78.02 (0.50 percent) to 15,548.54.The broad-market S&P 500 ended 8.46 (0.50 percent) higher at 1,689.37.The rally solidly topped both indices' prior closing records set Monday of15,484.26 on the blue-chip Dow and 1,682.50 on the S&P 500.The tech-rich Nasdaq Composite Index, meanwhile, eked ou
World Business July 19, 2013
Dempsey says 'some setbacks' in OPCON transfer plan
The Pentagon's top military officer said Thursday there are "some setbacks" in efforts to get South Korea ready for the takeover of wartime operational control(OPCON) of its troops by the agreed-upon date of Dec. 1, 2015.But Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), said he still supports the OPCON transition as scheduled."From a military perspective, the timing of the transfer of wartime OPCON is appropriate," he said in a written answer submitted to the Senate
Defense July 19, 2013
Once-mighty Detroit files for bankruptcy
Detroit became the biggest U.S. city to file for bankruptcy Thursday, its finances ravaged and its neighborhoods hollowed out by a long, slow decline in population and auto manufacturing that once made it the very symbol of American industrial might. The federal bankruptcy court filing, which had been feared for months, conserves cash so the city can operate but it will hurt Detroit's image for years. It could mean laying off municipal employees, selling off assets, raising fees and scaling back
World Business July 19, 2013
세수 펑크로 비상 걸린 정부
경기 침체의 여파 속에 정부의 국세 수입이 줄어들 것으로 전망되어 경제 정책가들과 관련당국이 비상이 걸렸다.국회 기획재정위원회가 일요일에 국세청으로부터 전해 받은 보고서에 따르면 올 상반기 부족한 세수는 약 10조원에 이른다. 이는 2009년 금융위기 이후 4년 만에 최대 규모다.올해 1~5월 세수실적 현황자료를 보면 이 기간 세수실적은 약 82조 천 억원으로 91조원이었던 작년 동기보다 9조원 가량 적다. 이는 2009년 1~5월 금융위기의 여파로 인해 10조원 가량 국세 수입이 감소한 이래 두 번째로 높은 감소폭이다. 5월말 기준 목표대비 세수진도율은 41%이다. 2013년 국세청이 담당할 국세 징수목표는 약 200조원이다.이는 지난 몇 년간 첫 다섯 달동안 약 50 % 가량을 징수했던 것에 비해 훨씬 낮은 수치이다. 선진국 경기둔화와 내수경기의 위축으로 수출과 소비가 타격을 받으면서 기업 실적이 나빠진 것과, 내수침체로 인해 소비가 줄어든 것이 기업세와 부가가치세의 감소로 이어
한국어판 July 14, 2013
BOK freezes rate at 2.5%
The Bank of Korea has kept its key base rate unchanged at 2.50 percent for July and revised upward its domestic economic projection for this year to 2.8 percent.BOK Gov. Kim Choong-soo reiterated on Thursday that expectations of a modest recovery of the global economy and higher growth in Korea in the second quarter of this year than the first quarter were its main reasons for a rate freeze.The central bank’s monetary policy committee also cited Korea’s negative output gap narrowing despite lowe
July 11, 2013
N. Korea mourns 19th anniversary of founder's death
North Korea on Monday marked the 19th anniversary of its founder's death with the country's leadership, people and media all paying respects to Kim Il-sung.Kim, who founded the communist country in 1948, laid the foundation of the state before his death in July 8, 1994. He is immortalized in the North and remains the "Eternal President of the Republic" even after his death.Highlighting the importance of the day, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the founder's grandson, paid homage to Kim's remain
North Korea July 8, 2013
저스틴 비버, 첫 내한공연
유투브를 통해 스타가 된 캐나다 출신 십대 팝 스타 저스틴 비버(19)가 오는 10월 10일 송파구 방이동 올림픽공원 체조경기장에서 첫 내한공연을 연다. 본 공연은 비버가 지난해부터 영국, 두바이, 독일, 터키 등 전 세계 39개국에서 펼치는 ‘빌리브 월드 투어(BELIEVE WORLD TOUR)’의 일환이다. 비버는 이번 월드 투어를 통해 39개국에서 151회의 공연을 펼쳐 180만명의 관객 을 만날 계획이다.비버는 2008년에 미국인 매니저인 스쿠터 브라운에 의해 가수가 되었다. 브라운은 싸이의 미국 활동을 진두지휘하는 매니저로도 잘 알려져 있다. 브라운은 유투브에서 비버의 영상을 보고 그와 계약을 맺었다. 일년 뒤 2010년, 비버는 15살에 1집 ‘마이 월드 2.0(My World 2.0)’으로 데뷔한 이래 ‘베이 비(Baby)’, ‘보이프렌드(Boyfriend)’ 등의 히트곡을 배출하며 모든 앨범을 빌보드 1 위에 올려놓았다. 비버의 첫 싱글 앨범에 수록된 “베이비"의 뮤
한국어판 July 8, 2013
Asiana apologizes over jet crash accident
Asiana Airlines Inc., South Korea's No. 2 flag carrier, apologized Sunday over a crash landing of its passenger jet in the U.S., which killed at least two people and injured dozens of others.An Asiana Airlines flight from Seoul crashed and caught fire on the runway while landing at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday. The Boeing 777 plane, which departed from Incheon International Airport west of Seoul, was carrying 291 passengers and 16 crew members, according to the airline.Seventy
Social Affairs July 7, 2013
Conglomerate owners, family members pocket W469b in dividends
Owners of South Korean conglomerates and their family members have pocketed a total of 469 billion won (US$411 million) in dividends over the past five years from affiliates owned by them, industry data showed on Sunday.Family-owned conglomerates, or chaebol, have been under fire in the country for their practice of granting profitable contracts to their affiliates owned by heads' children or relatives in a bid to avoid paying gift taxes on future transfers of wealth.Previously, laws did not reg
Social Affairs July 7, 2013
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