(Getty Images Bank)
(Getty Images Bank)

To the uninitiated, the rich aroma of this savory Korean snack might not give away its surprising main ingredient -- silkworm pupae.

Koreans have long enjoyed beondegi, a traditional snack loved for its umami-rich flavor, typically boiled or steamed in a savory soup with hints of soy sauce.

A valuable source of protein during times of war and poverty, beondegi is harder to find these days, but it still has a loyal following, loved for its umami-rich flavor.

Beondegi can be found at street food stalls, as well as at beer or soju bars, where it is often served as a snack to accompany alcohol. Canned versions are also available in supermarkets, allowing home cooks to add ingredients like chili peppers and green onions for a spicy kick.

For novices, the hardest part is the first bite. But once you overcome your initial hesitation, you’ll likely find yourself savoring the rich, protein-packed flavor.

(Beondegi, steamed silkworm pupae, Korean silkworm snack, savory beondegi street food)