
Biji jjigae is a stew made with biji, the soybean pulp left over after making tofu or soymilk. Known as okara in Japan, it is also referred to as tofu dregs.

Aside from biji, which gives the stew its unique texture, a variety of ingredients, such as kimchi, meat, fish, clams and vegetables, are used to enhance the flavor.

It is typically a homemade dish and can be hard to find on restaurant menus, except in places that specialize in tofu dishes.

Thicker than a soup, biji jjigae is often mixed or eaten with rice, with its savory and slightly salty flavor complementing the mildness of the rice.

Low in calories and high in fiber, biji jjigae isn’t just delicious — it’s a wholesome addition to any diet.

(Bijijjigae, soybean paste stew, Korean soybean pulp stew, savory soy pulp jjigae)