The Korea Herald


This is what balconies are for

Typical Korean apartment balconies get makeover

By Choi Jae-hee

Published : May 19, 2022 - 10:55

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A typical Korean apartment unit comes with an enclosed balcony that is attached to the living room or the master’s room. 

This semi-outdoor space serves many purposes. It can be a laundry yard, a storage space for all your odds and ends, as well as a fire escape.

However, it is often the most underused area in a Korean home and many households choose to get rid of it for extended indoor space. 

In the past few years, as a deadly virus forced many to stay indoors, a new trend has emerged to make the most of the small protruding area, with its fresh air and view. 

The following are some of the balcony makeover ideas drawn from social media posts. 

Coffee with a view 

(Instagram@jungeun_home) (Instagram@jungeun_home)

A nice tea table and chairs is all you need to turn your less-than-inspiring balcony into a sunny, relaxing cafe with a view. Instagram user @jungeun_home added a bit of art and nature to spruce up the space. 

No weekend plan? Camp at home
(Instagram@travel_with_pneuma) (Instagram@travel_with_pneuma)

Camping is one of the most popular weekend activities. In these pandemic times, some campers missing outdoor activity recreated their balcony into a campsite, taking out their foldable chairs, tables, lanterns and even a portable grill for pork belly barbeque. 

For a glamping vibe, use a cotton canopy or a beach umbrella. 

In the mood for soju

(Instagram@papago_vlog) (Instagram@papago_vlog)

The pandemic has been particularly harsh for booze lovers, as bars had to close early and limit the size of gatherings. Some have come up with a “balcony pocha” idea, turning the spare space into an old-fashioned, humble street food stall that serves soju all through the night. 

Pocha is an abbreviation of pojangmacha, which refers to colorful tent bars that offer quick booze and food, usually on sidewalks. 

To give a home balcony a proper pocha treatment, this Instagram user @papago_vlog deployed plastic tables and chairs, a handwritten menu and soju advertisement posters. 

Feel like clubbing 

(Instagram@oohs.b) (Instagram@oohs.b)

In perhaps the most dramatic makeover idea of all, Instagram user @hee.4heroes turned their home balcony into a night club, complete with mirror ball lights and stereo speakers. It begs a question though on whether neighbors have a different opinion on the conversion. 

Kids’ play area 

(Instagram@hee.4heroes) (Instagram@hee.4heroes)

As an alternative to outdoor waterparks crowded with holiday makers, some parents built their own home waterpark on their balcony with inflatable water slides, splash pools and water toys.  

(Instagram@mosdch) (Instagram@mosdch)

The home balcony of Instagram user @mosdch is a playground for kids, equipped with slides, a swing and a toy kitchen. 

By Choi Jae-hee (