The Korea Herald


日 네티즌들 '감독 무능, 선수들 자만' 독설 퍼부어

By Shin Yong-bae

Published : June 20, 2014 - 14:24

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일본이 2014 브라질월드컵 C조 예선 2차전에서 그리스와 수적 우세에도 불구하고 무승부를 기록하자 일본 누리꾼들이 비난의 목소리를 쏟아내고 있다.

일본은 20일(이하 한국시간) 브라질 나타우 두나스 경기장에서 펼쳐진 그리스와의 경기에서 전반 38분 상대 선수의 퇴장으로 이후 11명으로 10명의 그리스를 상대했으나 끝내 골을 기록하지 못하고 0-0 무승부를 이뤘다.


일본은 지난 15일 코트디부아르에 1-2로 역전패해 그리스를 상대로 반드시 이기는 경기를 펼쳐야 했지만, 수적 우위에도 불구하고 끝내 공격의 활로를 찾지 못했다. 이로써 일본은 1무1패의 전적을 거두며 조별리그 통과를 장담할 수 없는 처지에 몰렸다.

일본의 거대 커뮤니티 ‘2채널(www.2ch.netㆍ2CH)’에는 일본 누리꾼들의 비난 섞인 관전평이 쇄도했다.

익명으로 글을 올린 이들은 “심판 매수하고 4강에 간 한국. 심판 매수하고도 1승도 못하는 일본!” “10명의 그리스에서 1점도 취하지 못하는 바보” “원래 일본 최약체이며 선수들의 자만심이 지금의 결과를 만들었다” “지코 재팬이 생각날 정도로 감독이 무능했다”는 격앙된 반응을 보였다.

반면 일본 누리꾼들 상당수는 지난 18일 한국이 러시아와 1-1로 무승부를 이뤘을 때엔 다른 반응을 보여 눈길을 끌었다.

당시 일본 누리꾼들은 “러시아의 골은 오프사이드이기 때문에 사실상 한국의 승리였다” “한국의 승부에 대한 집념이 부럽다” “러시아 득점은 핸드볼이었다. 한국이 승점 2점을 손해 봤다” 등의 관전평을 내놓았다. (


<관련 영문 뉴스>

Football: Japan's salarymen knock back coffee after snore draw

Bleary-eyed salarymen gulping energy drinks and coffee rushed to work after waking up early Friday to watch Japan's 0-0 World Cup draw with Greece, many facing a long, clock-watching day at the office. 

Already in shirts and ties, some wished they hadn't bothered as they trudged off to catch trains after a tepid stalemate that left Japan's World Cup hopes hanging by a thread.

"I had a cheeky shandy before kick-off," salesman Ryo Yamagishi, 32, told AFP, wearing a crisp white shirt and sipping black coffee as the final whistle blew. 

"I woke up at five. I'm fed up Japan can't find the back of the net."

A few tables away at a crowded bar in Tokyo's fashionable Shibuya district, 34-year-old graphic designer Kazu Maeda shook his head in disbelief after Japan failed to beat 10-man Greece.

"Japan needs a striker like (Luis) Suarez," he said sheepishly, referring to Uruguay's two-goal hero who saw off England earlier.

"I'm gutted. I've been drinking Red Bull since six this morning. It's going to be a long day."

Student Michiru Imai, sporting a Japan jersey and football-shaped earrings, had tears in her eyes, although she admitted they could have been caused by alcohol.

"No school tomorrow so we've been drinking all game," said the 22-year-old, one of a group of six. "I was sure Japan would win. I feel like I've been dumped by my boyfriend."

Japan, who reached the last 16 four years ago, were beaten 2-1 by Ivory Coast in their Group C opener and must now beat Colombia in their final first-round game to stand any chance of advancing.

As the Blue Samurai huffed and puffed against the Greeks, many fans resigned themselves to an early exit.

"I don't think we can beat Colombia," said Jun Nishijima, 30, employed by an online shopping company. "The South American teams look too strong. I'm not sure I'm even going to watch."

Florist Maki Inamoto took photos with her phone as police cordoned off Shibuya's iconic "scramble" crossroads to prevent hundreds of blue-clad fans risking injury or upsetting commuters.

"I'm exhausted," said the 35-year-old, who had been glued to the television screen with a grimace etched across her face as chance after chance went begging. "It's the emotional stress more than anything."

With Japan not yet mathematically out of the World Cup, few fans were playing the blame game, but restaurateur 'Terry' Uesaka did not mince words.

"Talk, talk, talk," said the 44-year-old, nursing a scotch. "All talk and no end result. My grandmother would have more chance of scoring."

 As fans mingled with salarymen rattling along Tokyo's underground after the match, the smell of alcohol was unmistakable.

"(Shinji) Kagawa is so cool," offered nail artist Yurie Kanemoto, 24, whose difficulty standing unaided prompted disapproving looks from fellow passengers.

"I don't understand why he didn't start. If he had, Japan would have won," she added.

Spare a thought, however, for poor Michelle Aihara, 23, who had woken up at 3 a.m. to watch England, where she was born, then Japan, where she lives, before beginning a waitressing shift.

"Oh my God, I wish I hadn't bothered," she said. "England, then Japan. I just want to go back to bed -- but I'd get the sack."  (AFP)