The Korea Herald


Talk on Baekdu-daegan as North-South connector

By Korea Herald

Published : Jan. 7, 2014 - 20:29

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The Royal Asiatic Society is hosting a presentation by Roger Shepherd, a photographer from New Zealand, on the Baekdu-daegan mountain range on Jan. 14 in Seoul.

Shepherd was one of the few people who has traveled both the South Korean and the North Korean lengths of the Baekdu-daegan, which runs along the entire Korean Peninsula.

He took pictures of the mountains he climbed during his journey, which he later published in a book.

The presentation will discuss how the Baekdu-daegan might be shared by both Koreas as a national symbol to achieve a united identity.

Shepherd will lead discussions about obstacles that could hold up the attempt to establish the Baekdu-daegan as an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The presentation will take place from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the second floor of the Resident’s Lounge of Somerset Palace near Anguk Station, and is free for members. The cost for nonmembers is 7,000 won.

By Bileg Tsedensodnom (