The Korea Herald


박근혜 정부 부처 공식 영문명 발표돼

By KH디지털2

Published : March 28, 2013 - 13:23

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수요일 박근혜 정부는 17부 3처 17청의 공식 영문명을 발표했다.

신설된 미래창조과학부는 "Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning"으로, ICT는 정보(information), 커뮤니케이션 (communicatoin)과 기술(technology)의 약자다.

신설 부처 이외에는 기존 영문명을 대부분 유지했다. "해양수산부"의 경우 영문명을 지칭하는데 있어 어려움이 있었다고 전했다.

이전 정부에서 외교와 통상을 맡았던 부처의 경우 "외교부" 로 이름이 명명되었다. 지식경제부의 경우 "산업통상자원부(Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)"로 개명되었다.

아래가 박근혜 정부 부처 공식 영문명칭이다:

한글명영문명 Ministry of Schience, ICT and Future Planning

<관련 영문 기사>

English names of government ministries finalized

When the then presidential transition team announced last month that the incoming government will create a new ministry in charge of science and information technology, many English-language media reporters were at a loss over what to call it in English.

The difficulty was because its Korean title was seen as too grand and perhaps rhetorical as well. When translated literally, it should be the ministry of "future creation and science." The name was coined apparently to underscore the new government's commitment to "create" or open up a bright future for the country.

But the name was seen by some as strange, just like the ministry of "knowledge economy" in the previous government. That ministry was actually the ministry of industry and energy.

On Wednesday, the new government released the English names of all ministries and vice-ministerial agencies, with the "future" ministry being named the "Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning."

ICT is a short for information, communication and technology.

The names of other ministries were largely unchanged, except agencies that were newly established or whose responsibilities were changed. Another new ministry handling maritime affairs was named the "Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries."

The name of the ministry that previously handled foreign affairs and trade was shortened to the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" as the agency shed its trade negotiating functions. The "knowledge economy" ministry was renamed the "Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy" after taking over trade roles. (Yonhap News)