The Korea Herald


Government toughens against school violence


Published : Feb. 6, 2012 - 14:31

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The government announced a wide range of measures against school violence Monday, focused on united tough action by all members of society.

The measures called for strengthening the role of teachers and headmasters in resolving school violence, zero-tolerance towards bullying and more protection of and care for victims, as well as expanding character education at every school age.

“Every member of society including teachers, schools, parents and the government should act actively in order to eradicate school violence. The government is determined to wipe out school violence this time once and for all,” said Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik at a news briefing on the government-wide school violence measures.

President Lee Myung-bak on his official tour in the Middle East also stressed the government’s anti-school violence initiative in a radio speech on Monday morning.

“Fearing retaliation from their perpetrators, victims could not even tell their teachers or parents. They let their suffering worsen without telling anyone else; some students even committed suicide,” said Lee. “Now is high time for us all to join forces and take action to protect our children from school violence.”

The anti-school violence measures were drawn up after a string of suicides by middle school students occurred from last December.

Kim stressed the role of teachers in resolving school violence as they are closest to students.

The government decided to designate two teachers to take responsibility for student conduct guidance in a classroom with over 30 students. The designation system will be applied to middle schools starting this year and to high schools next year.

It will also impose stricter punishment on perpetrators of school violence and allow intervention by police in the wake of violent physical incidents.

“We are sending a clear message that violent behavior is a crime that will not be tolerated on school grounds,” said Education Minister Lee Ju-ho.

The ministry plans to develop a school gang alert system in a bid to detect violent behavior in advance before disputes and fights escalate into more severe cases, and to allow police intervention in disbanding them.

“The existence of school gangs, most of the time at the center of school violence, are hard to notice, but we are going to find them out, based on their different types of behavior,” said Lee.

For victims, more protection measures are proposed.

Victims can be escorted to school or back to home by a police officer if they request in the wake of school violence. They will not be compelled to transfer to other schools any more, although most of them did before just to avoid their bullies at school, according to officials.

They will not face their bullies in the future as well. 

Perpetrators will be prohibited from attending the same schools where victims are to advance, according to the measure.

The government will increase sports activities as well as arts and other extracurricular activities in order to conduct character education and help students channel their energy into constructive learning and activities.

“We will emphasize character education in all educational activities from kindergarten to high school,” Prime Minister Kim said.

But two teacher’s groups showed mixed responses.

The conservative Korea Federation of Teachers’ Association welcomed the government’s measures, especially in the sense that they give more rights and authority to teachers regarding student guidance. But the progressive Korea Teachers and Education Workers’ Union expressed “disappointment,” especially over the disciplinary actions for perpetrators.

“It should be done with care and the measure should have focused on creating a healthy school culture rather than exerting punishment on students,” said KTEW in its press release.

The KFTA also called for consistency and effective application of the measures in the school community and said how it would be implemented would decide its success.

By Lee Woo-young (


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정부는 6일 오전 김황식 국무총리 주재로 학교폭력관련 관계장관회의를 열어 7 대 직ㆍ간접 실천대책을 담은 '학교폭력근절 종합대책'을 최종 확정, 발표했다. 지 난해 12월20일 대구 중학생 자살사건이 발생한 지 한 달 반 만에 나온 범정부 대책 이다.

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3월 새학기부터 학교폭력 관련 징계사항은 학교생활기록부에 기재해 초ㆍ중학교 는 졸업 후 5년, 고등학교는 10년간 보존한다.

학생부에 인성영역 특기사항을 구체적인 활동사례를 들어 적고, 입학사정관제를 통한 대입 전형자료인 자기소개서 공통양식에 인성항목을 신설하며, 대입 자기주도 학습전형 매뉴얼에도 인성분야를 신설해 2013학년도 입시부터 적용한다.

피해학생이 오히려 전학을 가는 불합리성을 막기 위해 학교폭력 예방 및 대책에 관한 법률에 있는 피해학생 전학 권고 규정을 삭제한다. 사안이 중대하면 경찰이 피 해학생을 일정기간 동행해 보호하고 가해학생을 감독할 수도 있다.

가해학생에 대해서는 출석정지 기간 제한을 없애 수업일수가 모자라면 유급시키 고, 학부모 동의 없이도 심리치료를 시키며 학부모를 소환해 학생과 함께 특별교육 을 받게 한다.

교과부는 학교폭력 서클과 일진의 존재를 파악하기 위해 '일진지표'를 경찰청과 함께 개발, 정기적으로 무기명 표본조사를 해 일정 점수 이상이 나오거나 일진 신고 가 2회 이상 들어오면 '일진경보'를 가동하는 일진경보제를 도입한다.

일진경보가 가동되면 학교폭력 조사담당자와 Wee센터 전문가 등이 개입해 실태 조사를 하고 고위험군을 상담하며 전교생 교육을 하는 등 즉각 대응한다.

학생들이 신체활동 욕구를 발산할 수 있도록 체육수업을 늘리기로 했다. 특히 중학생 체육활동시수를 현행 주당 2∼3시간에서 4시간으로 50% 늘리고, 모든 중학생 이 1개 이상의 학교스포츠클럽에 가입토록 했다.

학생-학부모-교사가 충분히 협의해 학교생활규칙을 정하고 이에 동의하는 동의 서를 올해 8월까지 제출해 반드시 지키도록 했다.

게임중독 대책으로는 일정시간 후 자동으로 게임이 종료되는 '쿨링오프제'를 도입하고 교과부와 여성부의 분기별 게임물 합동조사결과를 게임물 심의에 반영하는 방안, 청소년 이용 게임의 월간 이용금액과 아이템 거래 제한 등이 포함됐다.

한편 미성년자 형사처벌 연령을 만 14세에서 만12세로 낮추는 방안은 계속 논의 과제로 분류돼 이번 대책에 포함되지 않았다. (연합기사)