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[Phrasal Verbs & Idioms] ‘Give’
The usage of 'Give'1. Give a ride: to drive somebody (태우다)Can you give me a ride to the airport?2. Give it a shot: to try to do something (give it a try) (시도해보다)I am not sure if I can win the contest, but I will give it a shot.3. Give one’s regards to: to say hello to someone for someone else (~에게 안부전하다)Give my regards to your father.4. Give someone a call: to call someone (전화하다)I will give you a call tomorrow.A. Complete each sentence with one of the expressions from the box below. Use the corr
June 3, 2013
[영한대역] Sound strategy for a jackpot
Sound strategy for a jackpot Some lucky person walked into a Publix supermarket in Zephyrhills Florida last Saturday and bought a ticket now worth an estimated $590.5 million ― the highest Powerball jackpot in history. It’s an amount *too high for many *to imagine. Compare it to the budget for the city of Zephyrhills*: This year’s figure is just more than $49 million. The winning Powerball jackpot is *12 times that.한 억세게 운 좋은 사람이 지난 토요일 플로리다 제퍼힐에 위치한 한 퍼블릭스 슈퍼마켓에 들어가 역대 최대액수의 파워볼 당첨금인 약 5억 9천
May 27, 2013
[iBT Toefl Speaking] Question Type 1
토플 스피킹 ― 문제 유형 11. What do you like to do when you have free time? Give reasons and examples to support your answer.여가시간에 무엇을 하는 것을 좋아합니까? 답변을 지지할 수 있는 이유들과 예를 드시오.I like listening to the music when I have free time for some reasons. First, it helps me to get rid of my stress. For example, whenever I listen to good classical music, I can forget about my work stress. Second, I can increase my work efficiency. Because I feel relaxed after listening to the music, my mind works better when I work. T
May 27, 2013
[Grammar] Phrasal Verbs & Idioms with ‘Get’
1. Get used to: to become more familiar with something ~(~에 익숙해지다)You have to get used to other cultures.2. Get along with: to be friendly with (어울려 지내다)Do you get along with your brother?3. Get rid of: to remove or throw away (=remove) (~을 없애다)I will get rid of my old books.4. Get on: to go into a bus, an airplane, a train, or a subway (≠get off) (~에 타다)Please get on the bus. A. Complete each sentence with one of the expressions from the box below. Use the correct verb form. get used to, get al
May 27, 2013
[GRE] John’s GRE Prep.
다음 문제는 GRE 문제로 대학 편입 시험에서도 흔히 볼 수 있는 유형이다. 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 수 있는 가장 적절한 단어를 고르는 문제이다. The value of Davis’ sociological research is compromised by his unscrupulous tendency to use materials ――― in order to substantiate his own claims, while ――― information that points to other possible conclusions.(A) haphazardly deploying(B) selectively disregarding(C) cleverly weighing(D) modestly refuting(E) arbitrarily emphasizing우선 문장을 구조적으로 분석해 보면 데이비스의 사회학 연구 가치가 compromise 훼손 됐음을 알 수 있고, 그 이유는 by 라는 전치사부터 자세히
May 27, 2013
[TOEIC Part 1] 시제함정
Part 1은 하나의 사진을 보고 4개의 보기를 들어 사진에 가장 알맞은 답을 고르는 것입니다.Part 1에서 가장 주의해야 할 시제인 현재진행수동태와 현재완료수동태를 구분하면 어려운 시제 함정을 피할 수 있습니다.Part 1 기본시제1. 현재진행수동태(be being p.p) 현재 되어지는 중예) The room is being cleaned. 방이 청소 되는 중이다.2. 현재완료수동태(have been p.p) 과거에 되어진예) The truck has been loaded. 트럭에 (과거에) 짐이 실려져 있다. (현재 트럭에 이미 짐이 다 실려 있는 사진)문제1. 사람이 없는 해안가에 똑 같은 파라솔들이 줄지어 펼쳐져 있다.(a) There are many sunbathers on the beach.(b) All parasols are being folded.(c) Parasols are all identical.(d) Stools have been arranged on the
May 20, 2013
[TOEFL] 주제별 단어연습
42.3. Writing 저술version 개작, 번역(문)installment (전집, 연재물의) 1회분, 한 권orthography 맞춤법, 철자론gloss (페이지 하단 혹은 책 말미의) 주해annotation 주석 (footnote, comment)commentator 주석자bibliography 저서 목록, 서지학synopsis 시놉시스, 줄거리 작가가 생각하는 주제를 다른 사람에게 알리기 위해 알기 쉽게 간단히 적은 것으로 개요나 일람 혹은 간단한 줄거리라고 함compendium 요약, 개론epitome 발췌, 개요, 개략draft 초고, 초안abridge 요약하다punctuate 구두점을 찍다, 강조하다paraphrase (알기 쉽게) 바꾸어 말하다(쓰다)proofread 교정보다revise 교정(수정, 개정)하다42.4. Copyright 저작권copyright 판권, 저작권pirate 저작권 침해자piracy 저작권 침해, 도용royalty 저작권 사용료, (저서의)
May 20, 2013
[영한대역] Fair trade find feet in Korea
Fair trade find feet in Korea Children toiling at coffee, cacao or tobacco plantations in Africa and South America for a dollar or two for a day’s work: That is the image that comes to the mind of many who hear the phrase “unfair trade.”Recently, the collapse of a shoddily built garment factory in Bangladesh that killed over a thousand people drew international attention to the importance of ethical production, a key element of fair trade. The concept of “fair trade” has been around for over 4
May 20, 2013
[John’s GRE Prep.] Reading
다음은 GRE 독해 문제이다. The condition of scholarship devoted to the history of women in photography is confounding. Recent years have witnessed the posthumous inflation of the role of the hobbyist Alice Austen into that of a pioneering documentarian while dozens of notable senior figures ― Marion Palfi, whose photographs of civil-rights activities in the south served as early evidence of the need for protective legislation, to name one ― received scant attention from scholars. And, while Naomi Rosenblu
May 20, 2013
[TOEIC] Part 1 연습하기
Part 1은 하나의 사진을 보고 4개의 보기를 들어서 사진에 가장 알맞은 답을 고르는 것입니다. Part 1에서는 동사의 시제를 변형하여 오답을 만들어냅니다. 오늘은 Part 1에서 학습해야 할 시제를 정리하겠습니다.Part 1 기본시제1. 현재시제 원래 그런 것 (배경 묘사에 주로 쓰인다)Many items cover the desk. 많은 물건들이 책상을 뒤덮고 있다.2. 현재진행(are/is + Ving ) ~하는 중이다 (사람의 동작이나 상태에 주로 쓰인다)One man is checking tickets. 한 남자가 티켓을 확인하고 있는 중이다.3. 현재완료(have/has + Ved) =과거 (토익 듣기에서는 현재완료는 과거시제로 본다)The trees have lost all of their leaves. 나무의 잎이 (과거에) 모두 졌다. (현재 나뭇잎이 없는 상태)4. 수동태(are/is + Ved) 과거에 되어진 (토익 듣기에서는 수동태를 과거시제로 본다)The
May 13, 2013
[Annie's Mailbox] Place the toilet paper in the restrooms high enough to get it easily
Place the toilet paper holder in the restrooms high enough to get it easilyDear Annie: I hope you will print my “public service” letter for all contractors and building managers: Please place the toilet paper holder in the restrooms high enough that one does not have to bend over to get the toilet paper out. This is particularly important in handicapped stalls where the paper dispenser tends to be below the handrail. Someone with a back problem will have a great deal of difficulty reaching down
May 13, 2013
[사설] Predatory practices
Predatory practices (착취 관행)<05월09일 사설 중 발췌> An audio file uploaded to YouTube last weekend has clearly shown where the government should direct its economic democratization campaign. The short clip, lasting less than three minutes, recorded a phone conversation three years ago between a young sales manager of Namyang Dairy Products, the largest company in the domestic dairy market, and an older local distributor of its products. 지난 주말 유투브에 게시된 오디오 파일은 정부가 경제민주화 운동을 어떤 방향으로 가야할 지를 명백히 보여주고 있다. 3분
May 13, 2013
[NEAT] Writing 2급 준비하기
NEAT Writing 2급Diagnostic TestMulti-conditional essay자신이 가장 좋아하는 동물을 떠올려 보고, 그 동물에 대해 다음의 내용을 포함하여 쓰시오. (60~80단어)Write a short paragraph about your favorite animal. Include the following information. (60-80 words)- what it is- what you like about it- why it is your favorite__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May 13, 2013
Cowboy Day celebrated in U.S. state of Arizona
The U.S. state of Arizona has created an annual “National Day of the Cowboy,” according to Reuters in April. Jan Brewer, the governor of the state, recently signed legislation to create a special day for both cowboys and cowgirls. She said setting this special day was in tandem with the state’s effort to honor its “unique cowboy culture.” It would help recognize its proper place in history, Brewer, a Republican, further noted in a statement. “Many of the blessings enjoyed by Arizonans today ar
May 8, 2013
[TOEIC] Grammar - 주어와 동사
영어 문장을 구성하는데 꼭 필요한 주어와 동사는 토익을 공부할 때도 파악해야 합니다. 주어와 동사 자리에 알맞은 단어를 고르는 문제도 나올 수 있지만, 주어와 동사를 파악 후 나머지 구성요소를 확인한 후 빈칸을 채우는 문제도 나오기 때문입니다.1. The seminar’s resource book ――― a list of the employees having joined the conference last quarter.(a) contain(b) containing(c) contains(d) have contained해설보기가 모두 동사이므로 처음부터 문장을 파악해본다. 주어가 The seminar’s resource book이므로 동사인 (c) contains가 정답이다. (a)의 contain은 주어가 3인칭, 현재, 단수이므로 contains가 되어야 한다. (b)의 containing은 동명사이거나 현재분사로 동사가 아니다. (d) have contained는 (a)와 같은
May 6, 2013
[영한대역 기사] More men in the kitchen
When Han Jin-se enrolled in Le Cordon Bleu-Sookmyung last year, he had no cooking experience. Now, Han has mastered three levels and is completing the academy’s final program this June. An expert in the kitchen now, Han tosses out culinary lingo with ease, explaining how learning to cook not only helped prepare him to open his own restaurant, but also fostered family time with his son. “I bring home the food that I cooked in class and my son brings a bottle of wine,” said Han, 61, an insurance b
May 6, 2013
[TOEFL] Sentence Pattern
Writing Day 1 활용도 만점 Sentence Pattern (1)한정된 시간내에 보다 바람직한 글을 쓰는 방법은 활용도가 높은 문장을 바로바로 머릿속에서 꺼내는 방법입니다. 단어와 문법을 이용한 조합은 시간이 지체될 뿐 아니라, 문법 오류를 야기할 수 있기에 가급적이면 자주 쓰이는 표현은 암기하는 것이 좋습니다. 아래 표현들은 에세이 작성시 빈번히 활용되는 표현이므로 적재적소에 적용하시길 바랍니다. 1. 본론에서 다뤄질 주요 문제나 핵심 내용을 밝혀줄 때 □ This essay seeks to address the following questions: □ The main questions addressed in this paper are: □ This essay will deal with the following aspects of the question: 지문은 다음과 같은 문제를 다룬다: Mima Mounds가 어떻게 형성되었는가 The reading seeks to a
May 6, 2013
[GRE] John’s GRE Prep.
다음 문제는 GRE 문제로 대학 편입 또는 대학 입시 특례 시험에서도 흔히 볼 수 있는 유형이다. 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 수 있는 가장 적절한 단어를 고르는 문제이다.When a person suddenly loses consciousness, a bystander is not expected to ――― the problem but to attempt to ――― its effects by starting vital functions if they are absent.(A) cure precipitate(B) minimize predict(C) determine detect(D) diagnose counter(E) magnify evaluate위 문장을 우선 끝까지 읽다보면 한 사람이 의식을 잃으면 옆에 있던 사람은 가만히 있는 것보다는 생명 유지에 필요한 기능을 시작해야 한다고 적혀있다. 여기서 vital 이란 단어가 헷갈릴 수가 있는데 중대한, 필수적인 이라는 뜻도 있지만 심장
May 6, 2013
Happy British Children
It would be so great if children around the world could enjoy every moment they spend during the day, either by focusing on what they like to do or just living their life without much trouble. Happiness is of course a subjective term that can be defined by different elements and in numerous ways, but children in the United Kingdom seem “happy” to the level that their Korean friends will be jealous. An official report of the U.K.’s National Statistics Office said in early April that 9 out of 10 c
May 2, 2013
Silvio Berlusconi
Silvio Berlusconi is an Italian politician who served three terms as the Prime Minister of Italy from 1994 to 1995, 2001 to 2006 and 2008 to 2011.He is also a wealthy entrepreneur with a personal net worth of $6.2 billion. Forbes magazine listed him as the seventh-richest man in Italy and the 194th richest man in the world.Nicknamed Il Cavaliere (The Knight), he is known for his flamboyant manner, combative style, bombastic comments and numerous political and personal scandals. Berlusconi was b
April 30, 2013