배우 톰 크루즈가 부산 명예시민으로 위촉된 것과 관련,“설레고 기대된다”고 전했다.
10일 영화 ‘잭 리처’의 홍보를 위해 내한한 그는 이날 오전 10시 30분 서울 여의도 콘래드 서울 그랜드 볼룸에서 열린 기자회견에서 이와 같이 전했다.
크루즈는 "부산시로부터 부산 명예시민 제안을 받아 위촉식을 갖게 됐다. 흔하지 않은 기회를 얻게 되어 매우 영광스럽다"며 기자진들 앞에서 활짝 웃었다.
이어 " 생애 처음으로 부산에 간다. 서울이 이렇게 아름다운데 부산은 또 어떨지 기대가 많이 된다"고 설레는 모습을 보였다.
지난 1994년 첫 내한 이후, 6번째 내한으로 역대 최다 내한 스타가 된 톰 크루즈는 이날 기자회견 이후 부산으로 향해 레드카펫 행사를 진행한다. 이번 내한이 특별한 것은 서울이 아닌 부산에서 주요행사를 진행하기 때문이다.
이에 부산시에서는 크루즈를 비롯해 로자먼드 파이크와 크리스토퍼 맥쿼리 감독을 부산의 명예시민으로 위촉한다.
영화 '잭 리처'는 한복판에서 벌어진 저격 사건 현장에서 체포된 범인이 결백을 주장하며 지목한 단 한 사람 '잭 리처'(톰 크루즈 분)가 자신을 향한 거대의 음모를 자신만의 방법으로 극복하는 액션 스릴러다. 개봉은 오는 17일. (코리아헤럴드)
Honorary Busan citizen Tom Cruise talks ‘Jack Reacher’ By Bae Soo-min and Claire Lee
Hollywood actor Tom Cruise made his sixth visit to Korea on Wednesday, this time to promote his upcoming thriller “Jack Reacher” and receive honorary citizenship from Busan.
An adaptation of English author Lee Child’s 2005 novel “One Shot,” the film features Cruise as the eponymous ex-military man with no fixed address. Throughout the film, he steps into crime scenes out of nowhere and discovers new leads.
“Jack Reacher is not an executor -- he is more of a character who gets into the story and drawn into the world,” Cruise told reporters during a press conference in Seoul, Thursday.
“He is someone with a skill-set. He used to be a military police, and he is able to see things that others can’t.”
Cruise is widely nicknamed “Mr. Nice Tom” by the local media for the friendly manner he has shown during his previous visits to Korea. His first trip took place in 1994, during his world promotion tour of “Interview with Vampire.” His last visit to Seoul took place in 2011, when he was on his world promotional tour of the fourth installment of “Mission Impossible.”
During the press interview, he was asked by a press member whether he’d go “Gangnam style” and attempt Psy’s “horseback” dance on the spot.
“Psy does it better,” he said, laughing. “I enjoy what he has done and I am very happy for his success, and everyone has been enjoying (his performance). It’s been wonderful to see that.”
Also on Thursday, Cruise became an honorary citizen of Busan, after the film was premiered at Busan Cinema Center. The city, which is home to Asia’s biggest film festival, announced that they bestowed the honor upon Cruise in appreciation of his first visit to Busan. Cruise is the first Hollywood actor to have received the honor.
“I am very excited to go to Busan,” said Cruise in Seoul on Thursday morning, before leaving for Busan. “And to become an honorary citizen. I feel very honored and excited about it. I wish you all a happy New Year.”
“Jack Reacher” opens in local theaters on Jan. 17.