[기사요약] 바티칸의 프란치스코 교황은 최근 19명의 추기경을 새로 선출했다. 천주교회 서울대구교장 염수정 대주교가 그 중 한 명이다. 이로서 2009년에 선종한 김수환 추기경, 그리고 정진석 추기경에 이어 국내 세 번째 추기경이 탄생했다. 71살의 염 추기경은 교황을 뽑는 회의인 콘클라베에 참석할 수 있는 권한을 가지게 된다. 15살 때, 성직자의 길을 걷기로 결심한 염 추기경은 평소 교회 교리나 원칙에 있어서 보수적인 경향을 보여왔다.
Yeom to become Korea’s third cardinal [1] Seoul Archbishop Yeom Soo-jung will be the third Korean to become a cardinal ― the second-most senior position in the Roman Catholic Church after the pope. Yet, he will be the only representative of Korea in the case of a conclave, a convention of cardinals younger than 80 for electing a new pope.
*Archbishop: 대주교 *Roman Catholic Church: 천주교회 *cardinal: 추기경 *convention: 회의, 전통, 관습, 형식. (conventional: 전통적인, 관례적인) *pope: 교황
[2] Korea’s first cardinal, Stephen Kim Sou-hwan, died in 2009, and its second Cardinal Nicolas Cheong Jin-suk is over 80, the canonical retirement age.
*canonical: 교회법에 따른, *canonical retirement age: 교회법상의 은퇴 연령
[3] “We believe that (Yeom’s appointment) is a blessing for not just Catholic believers, but for Koreans as a whole,” said Huh Young-yup, a spokesperson for the Seoul Archdiocese.
*Seoul Archdiocese: 서울대교구장
[4] Yeom, who became the Archbishop of Seoul in 2012, succeeding Cardinal Nicolas Cheong, is a man with a big heart, whose love and care for the poor and needy has been a source of inspiration for others, people around him said.
*succeed: 승계하다. 이어받다. 성공하다.
[5] Kim Young-jun, a 75-year-old Catholic living in Seoul, said, “I have long prayed for him to be recognized. With so much love in him, I believe that he will make a good role model for priests and believers.”
*recognize: (능력) 인정하다
[6] On politically sensitive issues that usually divide people in Korea, including those in the religious community, into the progressive left and conservative right camps, Yeom looks a bit inclined toward the conservatives.
*progressive left: 진보적인 좌파 *conservative right: 보수적인 우파 *incline toward: -쪽으로 기울다
[7] During a Mass in November, the archbishop criticized some progressive priests who called on the resignation of President Park Geun-hye over what they called intelligence agencies’ intervention in presidential campaigns in cyberspace.
*Mass: 미사 *call on: 촉구하다 청하다 부탁하다 *resignation: 사퇴
[8] “The Catholic doctrine prohibits priests from making direct political and social intervention,” Yeom said, two days after members of the Catholic Priests’ Association for Justice demanded President Park’s resignation. “It is not the role of priests to directly intervene in political or social organizations.”
*doctrine: 교리, 신조, 정책 *the Catholic Priests’ Association for Justice: 천주교 정의구현사제단 *doctrine: 교리, 신조, 정책
[9] In line with his words, Yeom has rarely let himself be drawn into wrangling over political or social issues during his 40-plus-year career as a clergyman.
* In line with:~와 함께, ~에 따라 *be drawn into: 휘말리다, 말려들다 *wrangling: 논쟁, 다툼, 언쟁 *숫자-plus-year: 몇 년 이상의 *clergyman: 성직자
[10] Born in 1943 to a devout Catholic family in Anseong, Gyeonggi Province, he chose a life as a priest at age 15 and entered a seminary. He was ordained a priest in 1970, after graduating from the Catholic University of Korea. His two younger brothers have also followed him into priesthood, with each now leading a diocese in Seoul.
*devout: 독실한 *seminary: 신학대학 *ordain a priest: 사제로 임명하다, 사제 서품을 받다 *Catholic University of Korea: 가톨릭대학교 *priesthood: 사제직 *diocese: 교구
[11] He taught at a seminary and his alma mater for years before becoming an auxiliary bishop of Seoul in January 2002. He has also served as the chairman of Peace Broadcasting Corp., a Catholic television and radio network based in Seoul, since February 2002.
*alma mater: 모교 *auxiliary bishop: 보좌주교 *chairman: 이사장
기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20140113000833
팟캐스트: https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2