[팟캐스트] (28) 사라지는 음악, 미술학원, 입시에 시달리는 아이들
[기사요약] 동네마다 흔했던 피아노 학원, 미술 학원이 하나 둘 씩 사라지고 있다. 2000년대 중반에 전국에 1만 6천 곳이었던 피아노 학원은 열에 한곳이 문을 닫았고 또 미술학원은 4년째 20% 가까이 폐업했다. 전문가들은 이런 현상이 초등학교 때부터 입시 준비에 들어가는 학부모가 늘어나면서라고 말한다.
Once-thriving art, music institutes struggle 한 때 잘나가던 미술, 음악 학원들이 사라지기 시작했다
*struggle: 힘겹게 나아가다
Korea’s lopsided education fever driving out private education for art and music 한 쪽으로 치우친 교육 열풍이 미술과 음악 사교육을 몰아내고 있다
*lopsided: 한쪽으로 치우친 (입시교육에만 몰두하는 교육 시장 분위기) *drive out: 몰아내다, 사라지게 하다
[1] Kim Jung-ryun remembers her piano institute being packed with children 10 years ago. Since then, the number of students attending her institute has dropped by a third.
*a third: 1/3.
[2] “Parents these days do not really care about music,” said Kim, 64, a piano teacher in Seogyo-dong, northwestern Seoul. “On top of that, children have to learn English and so forth. There is simply not enough time.”
*On top of: ~외에도, 뿐만아니라 (in addition to something) ex) On top of being pressured by work, I have another test coming up for a license.
[3] The small art and music private institutes, or hagwons as they are called here, are becoming harder to find. This is partly due to the prolonged economic slump, which has limited the amount of money spent on private education.
*partly due to: 부분적으로 ~ 때문이다. (due in part to)
[4] According to the Ministry of Education, Koreans spent a total of 19.4 trillion won ($17.9 trillion) on private education in 2012, 5.4 percent less than the year before. Money spent on English and math accounted for a combined 65 percent of the total private education spending.
*account for: 차지하다 *combined: 합쳐서
[5] Despite the strained budget, the competition to enter elite schools remains strong. This means con-tinued emphasis on subjects like math and English education. English tutoring fees had a rather modest drop of 4.6 percent while spending on math increased by 2 percent.
*strained: 줄어드는 *remains strong: 여전히 치열하다 *modest drop: mild drop *spending: 소비
[6] Expenses on art-related subjects, on the other hand, shrank by 12.2 percent, showing that art and music hagwons are now more dispensable than ever.
*dispensable: 불필요한, 필수적이지 않은
[7] Lee Seon-young, a professor of education at Seoul National University, said this happens because Korean parents put too much emphasis on their children entering top schools.
*put emphasis on: ~에 중점을 두다 (focus on)
[8] “There is a general outline of how to enter colleges in Korea,” Lee said, which she said centers on subjects like English, math and Korean. “As long as the outline remains unchanged, it is hard to get students to be invested in subjects not directly related to college entrance.”
*outline: 윤곽
[9] In the past, elementary school days were considered a grace period before the competition for elite schools commenced. But parents now seem to feel their children should start earlier.
*grace period: 유예기간 *commence: 시작하다 (begin, start)
[10] While many students enjoy music or art classes, their parents usually have the final say over which hagwons they should go to.
*final say: 최종결정권
[11] “(In terms of private education) most students start English as early as the first grade, and start math around third grade. By the time they reach the fifth grade, the education costs really start to swell,” said Shin, 40, who runs Hangyang Music School in Jongam-dong, and asked that only his family name be used.
*as early as: 빠르면 ~부터, 최소~부터 *swell: 부풀어 오르다, 증가하다
[12] The monthly tuition for music hagwons generally ranges from 70,000 won to 150,000 won. As Ko-reans spend an average of 236,000 won a month on private education, going to a music hagwon would limit one’s options in choosing other institutes.
*tuition: 수업료 *limit options: 제한하다
[13] Shin said the usual trend in the area is for students to stop going to art hagwons around third grade, and to quit music schools around the fifth or sixth grade.
기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20140203001115
팟캐스트: https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2