
집비둘기로 인한 도시피해와 시민들의 건강 문제는 우리의 삶과 가장 밀접하다 할 수 있는 환경 이슈다. 비둘기로 인한 여러 가지 피해 사례들을 반영하여 2009년에 환경부는 비둘기를 유해조수로 지정을 했지만, 지정 4년 째 마땅한 후속 대책이나 조사를 하지 않는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 비둘기의 생태 특성을 고려하지 않고 과다 증식한 결과, 단기간에 사랑의 상징에서 도시의 애물단지로 전락해버린 것이다.

Korea grapples with health risks, damage from city pigeons

grapple with 고심하다. 해결책을 강구하다 city pigeons 집비둘기 (=Feral pigeons, street pigeons)

[1] Throughout history, pigeons and doves have been symbols of love and peace and used as messengers over long distances.

symbols of: ~의 상징

[2] The birds have now turned into an urban headache posing health risks, damaging property and spoiling the landscape. They are often branded as “flying rats” and “chickgeons” (referring to overweight birds).

urban headache 도시의 애물단지/ 도심 문제 (=Urban problem) pose risk 위협, 문제 등을 제기하다 property 재산 (buildings, cultural assets, houses) spoil 망치다 (1. The plan is spoiled 2. Spoiled child) branded as ~로 (낙인)찍히다

[3] The Ministry of Environment designated city pigeons as harmful wildlife in 2009 for carrying pathogenic disease germs and defacing buildings and cultural assets with excreta.

designate 지정하다 carry 옮기다 (=transmit) pathogenic 병원성의, 발병시키는 deface 훼손하다 (=damage) excreta 배설물(=feces, dropping)

[4] But the authorities are still fighting an uphill battle to control the species, which is extraordinarily good at surviving and adapting.

uphill battle 힘든 싸움 extraordinarily유별나게, 엄청나게 adapt 적응하다 (get used to something)

[5] Experts criticize the government for failing to take specific measures, even an updated survey, though increasing damage has occurred in the city due to their droppings, noise, flying feathers and their mere presence.

fail to ~하는데 실패하다 (=was unsuccessful in) take measures 대책을 강구하다 (come up with/draw up measures) mere 단지 ~만으로 (simply, just)

[6] “Managing pigeons effectively is a must for citizens’ health, but there’s a lack of studies done on this issue,” said a bird researcher who wished to be identified by his last name, Kim.

a must 반드시 ~해야 하는 것. (반드시 필요한 것 혹은 해야 하는 것)

[7] “The government had made it a big thing about pigeons being harmful animals, but has done nothing to prove why they’re harmful and why people should be aware,” the scholar said.

make something a big thing 큰 일로 만들다 (make it a big issue)

[8] The ministry has no data or records on the birds, other than a report they submitted for the designation four years ago.

submit 제출하다 (=hand in)

[9] “We have not tracked down the number of pigeons nor done follow-up measures since designating them as harmful animals in 2009,” Jung Seung-hwa, an official in charge of the issue at the ministry, told The Korea Herald.

track down 추적하다 (find) follow-up measures 후속 방안

[10] According to the ministry’s 2009 data, there are 35,575 pigeons scavenging the streets for food and defecating on buildings in Seoul. Considering that they lay more than two eggs at once and they take 18 to 19 days to hatch, the population continues to increase.

scavenge (search for ~를 찾아 뒤지다) continues to 계속해서 ~ 하다

기사 전문: http://khnews.kheraldm.com/view.php?ud=20131202000632&md=20131204003911_AT

팟캐스트: tps://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2

팟빵: http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638