1.) 다음의 표에는 외동인 것 대신에 형제자매가 있는 것의 장점과 단점이 정리되어 있다. 이를 참고하여 자신의 입장을 선택하여 서론을 쓰고, 한 가지 이유를 추가하여 세 가지 이유를 모두 논한 후에 결론을 쓰시오. (80~120단어)

Advantages Introduction 1. play together 2. parents worry less 3. ____________________ Conclusion

Disadvantages Introduction 1. less attention from parents 2. fight with other siblings 3. ____________________ Conclusion

Model Response: It is best to have siblings because it is more fun and your parents bother you less. First, my life would be lonely without my younger brother and an older sister. When I am bored, I play with them. Another advantage is that parents don’t bother you as much. If I were an only child, my parents would only worry about me. Lastly, we can share similar experiences and memories. Many funny things happen with my siblings. In the future, we can be happy when we remember those times. In conclusion, sometimes my siblings annoy me, but I am always glad that I have them.

2.) 다음의 표에는 부모님이 자녀에 대해 중대 결정을 내리는 것의 장점과 단점이 정리되어 있다. 이를 참고하여 자신의 입장을 선택하여 서론을 쓰고, 한 가지 이유를 추가하여 세 가지 이유를 모두 논한 후에 결론을 쓰시오. (80~120단어)

Advantages Introduction 1. parents have more experience 2. 3. ____________________ Conclusion

Disadvantages Introduction 1. prevents children from being responsible 2. doesn’t consider the child’s opinion 3. ____________________ Conclusion

Model Response: Although some children are too young to make their own decisions, I think parents shouldn’t do it for them. To begin with, making decisions is very important for kids. It teaches them responsibility. If they make a mistake, they will learn from it. Also, the parents may not consider the child’s opinion. Many times, parents don’t understand their children so they make decisions that the child doesn’t like. Last of all, parents may make decision based on what they want. For example, if a father is a doctor, he may force his son to study science. To conclude, I believe the children should be allowed to make their own decisions.