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Police in the Pittsburgh area said they believe a bear seen crossing a road was trying to get to a mall where another bear was captured Sunday.
Frazer police said the bear, estimated to weigh 300 pounds, was seen several times around the Northbound side of Route 28 between 8 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Sunday nearby the mall where a smaller bear was captured Saturday, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported Monday.
Officers said they stopped traffic on the road around 9 p.m., when it appeared the bear was about to cross the road, but the animal instead returned to the brush.
Dan Puhala, a Game Commission wildlife conservation officer, said he does not believe the two bears were connected. He said the smaller bear was wearing a collar with a tracking system and was returned to Cambria County, where it is believed to be from.(UPI)
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피츠버그의 경찰에 의하면 지난 일요일 곰 한 마리가 출몰한 쇼핑몰 부근에 또 다른 곰이 진입하려던 것이 목격됐다.
136킬로그램에 달할 것으로 보이는 그 곰은 저녁 8시에서 9시 30분 경 인근 고속도로 부근에서 몇 번 목격되었다. 지난 토요일 곰이 출몰한 쇼핑몰과 가까운 곳이다.
경찰은 저녁 9시경 주변 교통을 통제했다. 곰은 길을 건너 쇼핑몰로 향하려는 듯 하다 숲으로 돌아섰다.
야생동물보호관 댄 푸할라는 두 마리의 곰이 연관성이 있는 것처럼 보이지는 않는다고 말했다. 지난 토요일 쇼핑몰에 출몰한 곰 역시 저녁 9시 경 쇼핑몰에 들어온 것으로 전해졌다.당시 생포된 곰은 야생동물 추적 시스템 꼬리표에 따라 고향인 캠브리아 카운티로 돌려보내졌다.