A video of a dog attacking a shark posted on YouTube by an Australian man is grabbing global attention.

The footage shows two big dogs swimming in the ocean near the West Australian town of Broom, about 1,650 kilometers north of Perth.

The dogs appear to be headed into the path of the sharks without realizing, but one suddenly attacks a shark.

"The dog is biting the shark,” said Russell Hood-Penn in the voice-over as he video-taped the incident. “That is unbelievable. I’ve seen it all now.”

The Australian man placed the footage on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HyIZh5BQZY), where it has been viewed more than 27 million times.

The sharks were swarming the beach because there was a dead dugong waiting to be served for dinner, Hood-Penn speculates. However, it is unknown what has happened to the shark after its attack by man’s best friend.

By Kim Hee-chul (kin_nim@hotmail.com)Intern reporter

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'상어를 공격한 개' 동영상 화제

호주에서 개가 상어를 공격하는 동영상이 화제가 되고 있다.

이미 유튜브에서 수백만명이 지켜본 이 동영상은 호주 서쪽 해안가에서 개 한마리가 상어무리를 쫓아 물속에서 공격하는 모습을 담고 있다.

동영상에 함께 녹음된 목소리의 주인공인 러셀은 "믿을 수 없는 장면이네! 개가 상어를 물었어!" 라고 외쳤다.

개의 공격 이후에 다친 상어의 생사에 대해서는 알려지지 않았다.