(Yonhap News)
(Yonhap News)

People are eating Chinese noodles on April 14, Black Day, in Korea. (Yonhap News)

April 14 is Black Day in Korea. Singles get together and eat Chinese noodles called “jjjajangmyeon.”

But Korea has a host of unique days which may be unfamiliar elsewhere.

Every 14th day in a year marks a different, and usually romantic, occasion. Although the origins of many of them are unclear, it is assumed that the 14th became a special day due to Valentine’s Day.

The frenzy for new days started when March 14 was designated White Day. And although some are more popular than others, the excess of special days mean many choose not to recognize them all.

  January 14: Diary Day Couples exchange diaries as gifts, perhaps to wish good luck for the New Year.

February 14: Valentine’s Day Observed by Western cultures, women give chocolates to males.

March 14: White Day The origin is uncertain but some maintain it originated in Japan. Men give candies to women on this day.

April 14: Black Day The only 14th event for singles -- they get together and eat Chinese noodles, providing a cheerful occasion for those depressed about not having a significant other.

May 14: Rose Day Couples exchange roses as gift on this day.

June 14: Kiss Day Couples share a kiss on this day.

July 14: Silver Day Couples give each other gifts of silver jewelry on this day.

August 14: Green Day Couples enjoy the great outdoors with a walk in a forest or up a mountain.

September 14: Photo Day Couples take pictures together on this day.

October 14: Wine Day Couples enjoy drinking wine, considered exotic in Korea, on this day.

November 14: Movie Day Couples go out for a movie together on this day.

December 14: Hug Day Couples give each other a hug on this day.

On top of all this, 11th of November is Pepero Day. The event is as important as Valentines or White Day for youngsters in Korea. On this day, people share Pepero, long and thin chocolate-dipped crackers. Its meaning is similar: to share love and friendship.

By Kang Yoon-seung (koreacolin@gmail.com) Intern reporter

<한글 요약>

14일을 챙겨보면...

4월 14일은 솔로들이 서로를 위로하며 자장면을 먹는다는 소위 ‘블랙데이’ 이다. 사실상 솔로만을 위한 유일한 ‘14일’ 기념일인 오늘을 포함하여, 매달 14일은 각종 특이한 날로 가득하다.

비록 각 기념일의 유래가 불명확하고, 상업적이다 라는 비판도 제기되지만, 일부 한국 커플들은 매달 다음과 같은 행사로 하루를 즐겁게 보낸다.

각 월의 14일에 있는 특별한 기념일 외에도, 한국의 청소년들은 11월 11일을 ‘빼빼로 데이’라고 부르며 과자를 나누기도 한다.

1월 14일 다이어리데이 2월 14일 밸런타인데이 3월 14일 화이트데이 4월 14일 블랙데이 5월 14일 로즈데이 6월 14일 키스데이 7월 14일 실버데이 8월 14일 그린데이 9월 14일 포토데이 10월 14일 레드데이(와인데이) 11월 14일 무비데이 12월 14일 허그데이