The Korea Herald


Bringing Central Asia on screen in Seoul

KF to hold Central Asian Cinema Week 2020

By Im Eun-byel

Published : Sept. 7, 2020 - 16:41

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Screenshot of Kazakhstan film “The Horse Thieves. Roads of Time” (KF) Screenshot of Kazakhstan film “The Horse Thieves. Roads of Time” (KF)

The Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat under the Korea Foundation will host Central Asian Cinema Week 2020 for 10 days, starting Thursday.

Five films -- one each from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan -- will be available for viewing via Naver TV.

The films to be shown are “The Road to Mother” (Kazakhstan, 2016), “The Song of the Tree” (Kyrgyzstan, 2018), “Mirror without Reflection” (Tajikistan, 2013), “At - Myrat” (Turkmenistan, 2016) and “Hot Bread” (Uzbekistan, 2018).

On Friday, an offline screening event will be held at culture complex Emu Artspace in Jongno, central Seoul. Twenty audience members will be admitted to two auditoriums as a preventive measure against the COVID-19 virus spread.

Kazakhstan film “The Horse Thieves. Roads of Time” (2019), directed by Yerlan Nurmukhambetov and Lisa Takeba, will be screened at Emu Artspace. The film opened the 2019 Busan International Film Festival.

After the screening, an outdoor talk will be held to provide a deeper understanding of the film. The screening event is free of charge.

Poster image of Central Asian Cinema Week 2020 (KF) Poster image of Central Asian Cinema Week 2020 (KF)

Central Asian Cinema Week 2020 runs until Sept. 19. For more information on the event or to attend the screening, check the Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat’s website at or Central Asian Cinema Week 2020’s website at

By Im Eun-byel (