The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트](172) 朴대통령 3차 대국민담화, 중국 '금한령'

By Lim Jeong-yeo

Published : Nov. 30, 2016 - 16:22

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진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. 박근혜 대통령 제3차 대국민담화

기사요약: 박근혜 대통령은 29일 오후 2시 30분 제 3차 대국민담화를 가지며 임기 단축을 포함한 진퇴 결정을 국회에 맡긴다고 밝혔다. 단순히 시간을 벌려는 속셈이 아니냐는 국민의 반발이 거세다.

팟빵 (안드로이드):

Park lets parliament decide her fate

[1] President Park Geun-hye on Tuesday said that she would let the National Assembly decide the fate of her presidency. “I shall lay my course of action, including a curtailment of my presidential term, to the decision of the National Assembly,” Park said in an address to the nation.

*let A decide B's fate, put B's fate in A's hands: B의 운명을 A에게 맡기다
*relinquish: 포기하다, 내주다
*curtailment: 단축

[2] “Should the political circles suggest a way in which I may hand over power so as to minimize chaos and the vacuum in state affairs, I shall step down from the presidency according to the given time line and legal procedure.” Park’s term as the nation’s 18th president is until February 2018.

*vacuum: 진공, 공백
*term: 임기

[3] By suggesting a reduced presidential term and not resignation, Park seems to be calling for a revision to the Constitution, which currently states a single presidential term as five years. Talks on altering this system to a four-year double-term have been ongoing within political circles, to promote continuity in state affairs.

*alter, amend, change, revise: 고치다, 수정하다 


2. 중국 ‘금한령’으로 주가 하락세

기사요약: 고고도미사일방어체계 (THAAD) 한반도 배치에 반발하는 중국은 한중 합작 드라마 등 한류 콘텐츠와 배우 기용을 전면 금지하는 태세에 들어갔다. 이에 중국 시장 기여도가 높은 예능, 화장품 회사 주식이 하락세다.

팟빵 (안드로이드):

Entertainment, cosmetics stocks fall amid China’s Hallyu ban

[1] China-sensitive stocks of entertainment and cosmetics firms nose-dived Monday, after China reportedly banned Korean dramas and commercials featuring K-pop stars on China’s state-run TV stations in retaliation against Korea’s decision to deploy a US advanced missile defense system here.

*China-sensitive: 중국 상황에 민감한
*nose-dive: 급락하다
*retaliation: 보복하다

[2] On the Kosdaq market, stocks of S.M. Entertainment -- the nation’s largest entertainment agency which manages many K-pop acts -- plunged 8.2 percent to 25,900 won on Monday. YG Entertainment fell 6.9 percent to 26,300 won, while JYP Entertainment declined by 2.8 percent to 5,230 won.

*plunge, fall, decline: 떨어지다

[3] Prior to the opening of the stock market, Chinese entertainment research services provider EntGroup said Beijing recently banned a local broadcaster from airing Korean dramas, movies and entertainment programs.

*air: 방송하다
