The Korea Herald


Play reading celebrating women in Seoul

By Korea Herald

Published : Feb. 29, 2012 - 21:26

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A play reading on March 3 to celebrate International Women’s Day is set to raise cash for a women’s charity.

Contemporary plays about women’s lives around the world will be read from 8-9:30 p.m. at Hankuk University in Seoul.

There is no entrance fee to hear the plays set in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Japan, Korea and the U.S., but any donations given will go to a women’s charity.

The plays being staged by the L.E.V. Theatre Group of South Korea include “Where the Lies Meet,” “Subibaja (Seesaw),” “Samuzora (Wintry Sky),” “We are the World,” and “F.T.D. aka Suicidal Dreams.”

International Women’s Day is marked around the world on March 8 each year to inspire and celebrate women’s achievements. To find out more go to or for more information on the play e-mail