Articles by Choi He-suk
Choi He-suk
[Hwang’s China and the World] What can South Korea and China work on together?
The inauguration of South Korea’s new government in May will be an opportunity to assess the current state of South Korea-China relations and seek further development in the future. President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol presented his plans to turn South Korea into a global pivotal state during his election campaign. He has also declared that strengthening the US-South Korea alliance and South Korea-China relations are simultaneously achievable goals. Since South Korea and China established
Foreign Affairs April 28, 2022
한국외국인학교, 올해도 세계 명문대 대거 합격
[코리아헤럴드=최희석기자] 경기도 성남 소재의 한국외국인학교가 올해도 재학생들이 미국 아이비리그 및 세계 명문대학교 진학에 대거 성공하며 명성을 이어갔다. 24일 관계자에 따르면 한국외국인학교의 올해 졸업예정인 12학년 학생들은 미국 소재 프린스턴대, 예일대, 컬럼비아대, 브라운대, 코넬대, 다트머스대, 펜실베이니아대, 시카고대, 존스홉킨스대와 캐나다 소재 맥길대, 일본 소재 와세다대 등을 포함한 세계적인 유수 대학에 합격을 통지받았다. 한국외국인학교는 올해 교내 대학진학상담팀의 대학입시 및 학업발전, 사회정서, 정신건강을 위해 학생과 가족들에게 튼튼한 파트너십에 기반된 훌륭한 상담이 성공을 이어나갈 수 있다고 밝혔다. 교내 고등학교 교장 에이미 켈러는 대학진학상담팀이 학생 및 가족들과 교감하는 여러 대화를 이끌어, 학생들의 고등학교 시절과 대학 입시 지원과정을 성공적으로 잘 지도할 수 있었고, 카운슬러들은 학생들의 미래 설계를 돕는다고 말했다. 그녀는 “코로나 이
한국어판 April 24, 2022
Korea International School’s counselling supports students through college applications and beyond
Korea International School offers comprehensive counselling with emphasis on social-emotional growth and academic development that guides high school students through the challenges of their teenage years to aid them in the college application process. High school principal Aimmie Kellar observes that since the pandemic began, “We’re having more conversations with families. Parents talk with us about taking care of the whole child.” KIS counselors provide a common language to
Social Affairs April 24, 2022
[Hwang’s China and the World] Toward the Korea-Japan relations of vision and coexistence
Historically, Korea and Japan have long been in conflict and contradiction. Since Japan’s colonization of Korea, it has deepened what some observe to be Japan’s sense of superiority over Korea and Korea’s sense of inferiority toward Japan. Japan’s “Lost Decades” –- a period of economic stagnation caused by an asset price bubble collapsing in the 1990s -- and Korea’s rise in national power in the international community brought some tension to bila
Foreign Affairs April 20, 2022
[Hwang’s China and the World] Japan’s Indo-Pacific, Vision, Region, or Strategy?
As the recent US-China competition intensifies, the strategic significance of the Indo-Pacific region is also rising. In this situation, major countries are presenting new Indo-Pacific Strategies with the purpose of strengthening their respective political, economic, and military influence in the Indo-Pacific region. The US Biden administration has set its Indo-Pacific vision as its main diplomatic policy in order to maintain the US’ influence within Asia and to check China’s growin
Foreign Affairs April 13, 2022
[Hwang’s China and the World] Europe will not detract from US focus on Indo-Pacific
The White House in February announced its Indo-Pacific strategy in what seems to be its most inclusive and comprehensive report yet. The report makes no doubt that China’s presence is of utmost importance when it comes to the US’ Indo-Pacific strategy, which was initiated in the Trump administration. In the report, the US looks to seek ways to contain China’s rise, but also maintain a somewhat amicable and cooperative relationship with Beijing. The Indo-Pacific strategy i
Politics March 30, 2022
[Hwang’s China and the World] Is a new monetary world emerging?
The US dollar has been at the center of the global monetary system for more than seven decades since the end of World War II. The dollar-dominated international monetary system has shaped the postwar world political economy by significantly contributing to US power, both economically and politically, as well as lubricating the wheels of the global economy. However, in recent years there have been some notable growing developments that might shake the dollar’s global supremacy. China has
Foreign Affairs March 16, 2022
What Yoon pledged to do as president
COVID-19 economic rescue At the top of his agenda is compensating those who have sustained economic losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Yoon’s plans, "fair and complete" compensations for losses will be provided, and counseling will be offered to merchants and self-employed people affected by the pandemic. Yoon pledged to establish a presidential committee dedicated to COVID-19 compensation immediately upon inauguration, and to introduce new laws and revise rela
Politics March 10, 2022
[Hwang’s China and the World] Today’s Ukraine, tomorrow’s Taiwan?
While Ukraine fell into dire straits due to Russia’s attack, on the other side of the world, the US and China are scrambling to make an elaborate effort in dealing with Taiwan. On March 1, the Joe Biden administration has sent US delegations including the retired Navy Adm. Michael Mullen and former Under Secretary of Defense Michele Flournoy to Taiwan. On the following day, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also visited Taiwan. Given that a number of high-level US delegations are visit
Foreign Affairs March 10, 2022
[Hwang’s China and the World] We need public diplomacy that fully contains the scent of Korea
Korea’s public diplomacy so far has been characterized as a state-centered one that focuses on popularizing itself. However, it is a fact that Korea is now facing needs and expectations to play a role that goes beyond it from home and abroad. Given that Korea’s status and capabilities have developed considerably in the international community, its way of lending a hand should also be tailored to what the other desires and needs. Now, giving off the messages that Korea has in its own
Foreign Affairs March 2, 2022
[Hwang’s China and the World] Korea’s foreign policy, time to keep eyes on new economy and new security
There are some fields that previous forms of Korean diplomacy could not fully cover, but had to be dealt with. Those must be the new security and new economic issues. We are facing newly emerging security issues with roots in technological innovation -- for instance, the “fourth industrial revolution.” From 5G, quantum computers, semiconductors, and other areas, existing hegemonies face a variety of new technological challenges. Technical standards are another significant confronta
Foreign Affairs Feb. 16, 2022
[Hwang’s China and the World] Eurasia’s vulnerable geopolitical points: Ukraine, Kazakhstan, North Korea
For the last two years, people the world over have lived with the invisible fear of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are now used to applying sanitizer to our hands and repeatedly lifting up our masks to keep them above our noses. Now the world is somewhat getting used to the pandemic situation. With the number of omicron cases in South Korea going into the tens of thousands a day, and while people are now screened with quarantine passes on their way into restaurants and malls without concern, the tr
Foreign Affairs Feb. 9, 2022
[Hwang’s China and the World] Chinese thoughts on Belt and Road Initiative, its shine and shade
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), formerly known as One Belt One Road, was first initiated as Chinese President Xi Jinping presented “One Belt” in Kazakhstan in September 2013 and “One Road” in Indonesia the following October. One Belt represents the Silk Road Economic Belt that connects all the way from Central Asia to Europe through an overland route, while One Road stands for the Maritime Silk Road that stretches its branches to Southeast Asia and beyond. It h
Foreign Affairs Jan. 30, 2022
[Hwang’s China and the World] US and China Neck to Neck in a New Cold War Long Race
US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping had their first summit on Nov. 16. Although the summit was an online-only meeting, the whole international society paid serious attention, since it was the first bilateral talk since the Biden administration was inaugurated 10 months ago. During the main discussion, Biden pinpointed everything he had to from the US’ point of view for its own national interests. This includes human rights issues in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, unfai
Foreign Affairs Jan. 10, 2022
[Hwang’s China and the World] Korea’s future diplomacy -- ‘pragmatic’ or ‘strenuous’?
The tension of the upcoming presidential election is not as heated as usual, as COVID-19 keeps people from gathering. Although the surface seems relatively calm, the candidates are somehow preparing their own policies. The diplomatic security policy might attract less attention than the domestic circumstance, however, it might be more urgent, requiring prompt action. While domestic politics is about dividing and distributing the interest pie among the inside powers, international politics is u
Foreign Affairs Jan. 3, 2022
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