[기사요약] 유엔 북한인권조사위는 17일 북한 정권이 반(反) 인도적 범죄가 자행하고 있다고 발표한 국제사회가 보호책임(R2P:Resposibility to protect)을 지고 북한의 인권 유린을 막기위해 행동에 나서야 한다는 목소리가 증가하고 있다. 하지만, 냉엄한 국제 현실정치에서 R2P 개념을 적용하는 것은 한계가 있다는 지적도 있다.
Calls for applying R2P to N. Korea rise
[1] Calls are growing for the international community to act to stop human rights abuses in North Korea under the “Responsibility to Protect” norm, after a U.N. panel accused the dictatorial regime of crimes against humanity this week. * call: 요구, 요청 (call on 사람 to 동사: ..에게 ..하도록 요구하다)
* abuse: 학대, 남용 (drug abuse: 약 남용, child abuse: 아동학대, abuse one’s power: 권력을 남용하다)
* Responsibility to Protect (R2P): (국민) 보호의 책무
* norm: 규범 (international norm 국제규범)
* crimes against humanity: 반인륜적 범죄
[2] Talk of the need to apply the R2P to the repressive state has long persisted. But skepticism still lingers over its viability given differences among major powers about its implementation. * apply: 적용하다 (application: 적용)
* need: 필요성, 필요
* repressive: 억압적인 (= oppressive)
* persist: 끈질기게 지속되다 (persistent: 지속적인, 끈질긴 persistence: 끈질김)
* skepticism: 회의, 회의론 (skeptical about/ of … 에 대해 회의적인)
* linger: 지속되다. 여전히 남아있다.
* viability: 실행가능성
* implementation: 시행 (implement: 시행하다)
[3] On Monday, the U.N. commission on human rights in North Korea revealed the outcome of its yearlong inquiry into the inhumane practices by officials under the direct control of the autocratic ruler Kim Jong-un. * inquiry: 조사 (investigation, probe)
* inhumane: 비인간적인
* outcome: 결과
* practice: 관행, 관례, 실행, 연습 (corruptive practice: 비리적 관행, business practice: 사업 관행)
* autocratic: 독재적인 (dictatorial = despotic = autocratic/ 독재자: dictator= despot = autocrat)
[4] The investigation found evidence of torture, execution, arbitrary incarceration, deliberate starvation, enslavement and other appalling practices by the North Korean officials.
* torture: 고문
* arbitrary: 자의적인
* incarceration: 감금 (=imprisonment) incarcerate: 감금하다
* deliberate: 고의적인
* appalling: 간담을 서늘케 하는, 경악스러운
[5] Michael Kirby, the chair of the commission, also wrote a letter to the despotic ruler, warning that Kim could face a trial as a national and military leader at the International Criminal Court for the series of crimes.
* International Criminal Court: 국제형사재판소 (ICC)
[6] “Too many times in this building there are reports and no action. Well, now is a time for action. We can’t say we didn’t know,” Kirby told reporters at a panel organized for a press conference to reveal the investigation results. “The gravity, scale and nature of these (human rights) violations reveal a state that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world.” *gravity: 중력, 중대성, 심각성
*violation: 위반
*parallel: 평행의, 유사한, 상응하는/ 유사한 사람, 사물
[7] The R2P calls on the international community to take responsibility to protect citizens of a country that fails to safeguard its people from atrocities such as genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing.
* international community: 국제사회
* take responsibility: 책임을 지다
* atrocity: 만행 (atrocious: 극악무도한, 끔찍한)
* safeguard: 보호하다= protect
* genocide: 학살 (mass killing= massacre)
* ethnic cleansing: 인종 청소
[8] The interventionist concept was first conceived after concerns rose over the international community’s failure to properly handle genocides in Rwanda in 1994 and in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica the next year. * interventionist: 개입주의의, 개입주의자 intervention: 개입 intervene: 개입하다
* conceive: 구상하다 생각하다
[9] Following a heated international debate on the concept, the U.N. adopted the R2P in 2005. The R2P was first applied in conflict-laden Libya, when the U.N. Security Council approved military action based on the norm. * adopt: 채택하다 adoption: 채택
* conflict-laden: 분쟁이 잦은
[10] Despite the mounting calls for international intervention to preserve the universality of human rights, some veto-wielding powers of the U.N. apparently differ over how and when to invoke the R2P because of their strategic calculations. * universality: 보편성 universal: 보편적인
* veto: 거부권, 거부하다 (veto-wielding: 거부권을 행사하는)
* strategic calculations: 전략적 계산
기사전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20140225001235
팟캐스트: https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2