Jankura Artspace in Seoul is hosting a night of performances and art Saturday in aid of a migrant women’s center.

The “Draw for a Cause” event will combine live sketching with musical, spoken word and hula hoop performances.

Organizer Mike Stewart, who runs the Jankura Artspace, said he had run similar events before in the studio, but not as fund-raisers. As previous performers had mostly been men, he decided to dedicate a night to female performers.

“It turns out there are a lot of women who are interested in performing at something like this. They were just waiting to be asked,” he said.

Following on from that, Stewart and his wife, who is involved in several groups aiding women, decided to use the event to help a related organization.

“We decided on the Women Migrants Human Rights Center because it seemed that that’s the one that could actually use a bit of help,” he said.

He explained that the center helps foreign women who find themselves on their own in Korea through divorce or other reasons in areas such as job searching, language education and child care.

Ten performers will get 10-15 minutes each on the stage that the art space usually uses for live models. Easels will be set up and those attending will be supplied with materials to draw live sketches of the performers, though Stewart pointed out that drawing wasn’t a requirement, and that many people would likely just come to watch.

“Draw for a Cause” will run 6:30-9:30 p.m. and entry is 10,000 won. For more information, visit jankuraseoul.com. ()