Jonathan McDonald (left) and James Island will appear in “Almost, Maine” this weekend.   Teala Penner
Jonathan McDonald (left) and James Island will appear in “Almost, Maine” this weekend. Teala Penner

A group of expats is presenting the stage play “Almost, Maine” for the first time in Korea starting on Friday.

The play, written by John Cariani, premiered in 2004 and is a romantic comedy that deals with love and how people fall in and out of it.

“People fall in love and stumble out of it again. (The play) is quirky and awkward and has some kind of magic in it,” said Teala Penner, who heads the project.

The different scenes are all intended to take place at the same time: 9 p.m. The setting is in the fictional city of Almost in the state of Maine.

Penner and her assistant Jonathan McDonald conducted auditions with amateur expat actors in December and have been rehearsing since.

Penner is director, designer and producer, while Jonathan acts in the play.

“The seven actors in the play are all main roles, because everyone plays an important sequence,” she said.

The production will run from 8-9:30 p.m. on Feb. 14-16 at Camarata Music Company Studio near Noksapyeong Station in Seoul.

“Jonathan and I were both working on other plays together and we hope to project our love of theater to the audience,” said Penner.

For further information or to reserve tickets, email with your name, the number of tickets and the date you will attend.

By Bileg Tsedensodnom ()