Seoul Metropolitan Government is taking applications for support grants for cultural events by multicultural groups in Seoul.

The government will support up to 80 percent of the cost of the events, to a maximum of 6 million won.

Events funded last year under the same program included a multicultural festival run by Migrant News Television, a scavenger hunt event by Pinoy Iskolars in Korea, and a Naadam festival by the Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Culture Promotion Center.

Support will be given to cultural events held this year and hosted by a foreign embassy, foreign community or private organization.

Events using city facilities, such as Seoul Forest, Gyeonghuigung and Cheonggye Plaza will be given preference.

Those wishing to apply for the support should submit an application form, an introduction of the community, and a detailed event plan by Feb. 17.

Application forms are available at and and forms should be sent to or delivered directly to the city government’s Multiculturalism Division.
