[기사요약] 경남 진주에서 발견된 암석이 모두 운석이라는 공식발표가 나오자 운석과 관련한 문의는 물론 ‘운석 사냥꾼’들과 연구자들의 행렬이 끊이지 않고 있다. 전문가는 비록 이번에 발견된 운석이 세계적으로 흔한 종류이긴 하지만 한국에서 발견된 사례가 드물기 때문에 상당한 학술적 가치를 지니고 있다고 말했다.
Rare meteorites spark gold rush in Jinju
[1] A town in the south of Korea has quickly turned into a hot spot for treasure hunters and researchers, as scientists confirmed that two rocks recently unearthed in the area were rare meteorites.
hot spot: 명소, 사람들이 많이 모이는 곳 unearth: 발굴하다, 파내다 (discover, find) rare: 드문 (uncommon, unusual)
[2] Officials from Jinju, South Gyeongsang Province, said there had been a flood of inquiries about meteorites since two were found at local farms. They added that some people had even visited the area hoping to find a valuable piece of extraterrestrial rock.
flood of: 마구 쏟아지는, 물밀듯 밀려오는 extraterrestrial: 외계의, 지구 밖의
[3] The market price for meteorites ranges between $5 and $10 a gram. This means the two rocks, weighing 4 kilograms and 9 kilograms each, will be worth tens of thousands of dollars.
range between: 양, 크기의 범위가 ~에서~이다. (price is between보다 더 디테일한 표현)
[4] “Sometimes people even visited the district office in groups, urging us to tell them where the meteorites were found,” said a civil worker at the Daegok-myeon office, where one of the rocks was discovered.
urge: 요구하다
[5] Researchers from Chinju National University of Education also visited the site where the meteorites were found to collect samples and prepare for a detailed geological survey of the area.
survey: 조사, 측량, 점검
[6] According to the Korea Polar Research Institute, the newly found meteorites are “ordinary chondrite” of high iron composition. The institute said the two meteorites were likely from the same source, considering the similarity of their composition and their proximity to each other. chondrite: 구립운석 from the same source: 근원이 같다, 원천이 같다 proximity: 근접성
[7] Although this type of meteorite is relatively common internationally, experts say it has great academic value, as meteorites are extremely rare in Korea. relatively: 비교적으로, 상대적으로 academic value: 학술적 가치
[8] “Geologists are showing keen interest because these are the first meteorites to have been found on the Korean Peninsula since the country’s liberation,” said Lee Jong-ik, a geology director at the Korea Polar Research Institute. Previous findings were recorded in 1924, 1930, 1938 and 1943. keen interest: 깊은 관심. (keen: 간절한, 깊은, 치열한) finding: 발견 (discoveries)
[9] Of the four previously found meteorites, only one has been procured by scientists. The rock, found in 1943, is owned by Japan and is on display here on a loan. procure: (어렵게) 구하다, 입수하다 (obtain) on display: 전시되다. (on exhibition)
[10] Reports indicate that international “meteorite hunters” have joined the hunt as well. Locals in Jinju have spotted a foreign man examining the areas where the meteorites were found. They said the man even handed out name cards, urging people to call him if they found rocks that looked like meteorites.
indicate: 명시하다, 간접적으로 시사하다, 나타내다, 보여주다. examine: 조사하다 (현장 조사 on-site examination)
[11] Rep. Park Dae-chul recently urged the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea to prevent the rare materials from being taken outside the country. An official from the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea said the uncovered meteorites are considered to be of great academic value, and are likely to be designated as “monuments.” This means the meteorites can only be taken out of the country in special circumstances, such as on loans for academic purposes.
uncovered: unearthed likely to be: ~할 가능성이 있다 designated as: ~로 지정하다 circumstances: 일 사건 등의 정황, 상황
기사전문: http://khnews.kheraldm.com/view.php?ud=20140317001191&md=20140320005129_BC
팟캐스트: https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2