[기사요약] 한국과 캐나다 정부는 3월 11일 화요일 박근혜 대통령과 스테판 하퍼 총리가 정상회담을 한 후, 9년간의 한 캐나다 FTA 협상을 타결했다고 선언했다. 이번 양자 FTA가 법적 검토와 의회 비준 등 국내절차를 마무리하고 발효하게 되면 상품분야에서 양국의 거의 모든 물품에 대해 10년 안에 관세를 철폐하게 된다. 이번 협상으로 한국 자동차 업계는 큰 혜택을 받을 것으로 예상되지만 한국 쇠고기 업자들에게는 피해가 있을 것으로 전망된다.

Korea, Canada seal FTA

[1] South Korea and Canada on Tuesday struck a free trade deal after nearly nine years of negotiations, agreeing to phase out tariffs on most imports and exports within 10 years of the deal’s effectuation.

strike a deal: 타협을 보다. 합의에 이르다 (=strike a bargain) negotiation: 협상, negotiate = 협상하다 phase out: 단계적으로 없애다, 철폐하다. (phase in: 단계적으로 도입하다) effectuation: 발효, effectuate 발효시키다 (=take effect, go into force)

[2] The agreement came after President Park Geun-hye and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper held a summit in Seoul to discuss an array of bilateral and global issues including security and economic cooperation. summit: 정상 회담 an array of: 많은 (매우 많은= a slew of, a deluge of, a myriad of, a plethora of, a host of)

[3] “The South Korea-Canada FTA can be called a new rule of bilateral cooperation. We have high expectations for a deepening of economic cooperation with Canada based on the deal,” President Park said during the summit at Cheong Wa Dae. have high expectations for: .. 대해 큰 기대를 가지다 based on: ..에 기반하여, 기초하여

[4] Park also called on Harper to give Canada’s support for Korea’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a mooted U.S.-led deal to create a free trade bloc linking Pacific Rim states. call on 사람 + to 부정사 (사람에게 ..하도록 요청하다) participation: 참가 (participate in 참가하다 = partake in = take part in = join) Trans-Pacific Partnership: 환태평양경제협력파트너쉽 mooted: 제안된 rim: 테두리 (rimless: 무테의)

[5] “After the bilateral FTA, another framework with which we can strengthen bilateral trade and investment is the TPP,” she said. “With the synergistic effect of the FTA and TPP, we can further enhance our access to each other’s markets.” framework: 뼈대, 틀 strengthen: 강화하다 synergistic: 동반상승효과의 enhance: 향상시키다 (=improve)

[6] In their joint statement after the summit, the two leaders hailed the bilateral FTA as the “foundation for a new era of mutually beneficial bilateral relations.” “We are committed to finalizing the legal review and required domestic procedures expeditiously with the mutual intention that the agreement will enter into force as soon as possible,” the statement said. hail: (..가 훌륭하다가) 묘사하다. mutually beneficial: 상호 이익이 되는 commit oneself to: ..에 약속하다. (commit: (범죄를) 저지르다) finalize: 최종 마무리 짓다.

[7] “Once implemented, the agreement is expected to bring significant benefits for the Canadian and Korean economies, business communities, including small and medium enterprises and customers.”

once: ..하자마자 (=as soon as)

[8] The bilateral FTA covers virtually all sectors of bilateral trade including products, customs, investment, finance, intellectual property, services, labor, the environment and electronic commerce. intellectual property: 지적 재산권 electronic commerce: 전자상거래

[9] After the official signing of the FTA documentation and domestic parliamentary ratification procedures, the deal is expected to take effect sometime next year, Seoul officials presumed. domestic: 국내의 (international: 국제의) parliamentary: 의회의 (parliament 의회 = legislature) presume: 추정하다

[10] Among other sectors, Korea’s automotive industry is expected to greatly benefit from the deal, which will effectively remove Canada’s tariffs on Korean cars within two years. benefit from: ..로부터 혜택을 받다 remove: 제거하다 (=eliminate=do away with)

기사전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20140311001457

팟캐스트: https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2

팟빵: http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638