[기사 요약] 동북아시아는 북한의 지도부 변동으로 인한 내부 불안정성 증가, 그리고 지속되고 있는 영토 분쟁과 역사적 증오심으로 인해 불확실한 안보상황을 맞고 있다. 박근혜 대통령은 최근 이런 안보상황을 보다 효율적으로 관리하기 위해서 국가안보보장회의 상설 사무국 설치 검토를 지시했다.

Park seeks security office boost as N.K., regional uncertainties grow

[1] Seoul is seeking to revive the standing secretariat of the National Security Council as security concerns increase due to shifts in the North Korean leadership and the region’s simmering territorial rows and historical animosities.

seek: 찾다, 추구하다 shift: 변화 simmering: 들끓고 있는 territorial: 영토의 animosity: 증오심, 원한

[2] Following President Park Geun-hye’s directive on Monday, government officials are discussing how to organize the secretariat, which the former Lee Myung-bak administration abolished amid an administrative overhaul six years ago.

directive: 지시 abolish: 폐지하다 amid: .. 하는 와중에 overhaul: 점검, 정비

[3] The recent execution of Jang Song-thaek, the uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and China’s unilateral demarcation of an air defense zone have apparently influenced Park’s decision to reinstate a permanent NSC office, observers said.

execution: 처형 unilateral: 일방적인 demarcation: 경계, 구분 reinstate: 복직시키다

[4] Park’s push for the overarching security office also comes as China and Japan have recently created their own national security institutions amid their stepped-up push to bolster their maritime security clout in the region.

overarching: 가장 중요한 step up: 강화하다 bolster: 증강시키다 clout: 힘, 영향력

[5] China decided to institute a national security committee during the plenary meeting of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party last month. Japan has recently enacted a law to create the NSC, highlighting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s push to raise the country’s security profile.

institute: 설치하다, 도입하다 plenary: 전체의 enact: (법을) 제정하다 highlight: 강조하다 profile: 인상, 평판

[6] Lee Jeong-hyun, Park’s chief press secretary, told reporters that the revival of the NSC office is needed to “proactively and effectively” respond to situations on the peninsula and changes in the regional security landscape.

proactively: 능동적으로 landscape: 풍경, 지형

[7] Cheong Wa Dae currently has a small-scale National Security Office ― a control tower for security and foreign affairs, which is led by former Defense Minister Kim Jang-soo. But observers say the office needs to be expanded with more staff to handle current and future security challenges.

observers: 관측자 expand: 확장시키다 current: 현재의

[8] Seoul has been struggling to address a series of security conundrums including the North Korean nuclear standoff, Japan’s persistent claim to Korea’s easternmost islets of Dokdo and the long-simmering jurisdictional spat over the submerged rock of Ieodo in the East China Sea.

struggle: 분투하다 a series of: 일련의 conundrum: 난제 persistent: 끊질긴, 집요한 submerged: 물에 잠긴

기사 전문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20131217000769

팟캐스트: https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2

팟빵: http://www.podbbang.com/ch/6638