[기사요약] 김정은 북한 국방위원회 제1위원장의 삼촌이자 권력 실세로 여겨졌던 장성택 국방위원회 부위원장이 최근 실각한 가운데, 북한이 지난 9일, 장 부위원장의 체포장면을 방송해 화제가 되고 있다.
N.K. broadcasts arrest of leader’s powerful uncle
North Korea said Monday its leader’s powerful uncle was purged for “anti-party, anti-revolution activities” including corruption, drug use and gambling.
Purge: 제거하다 숙청하다 Anti-party: 반당 Anti-revolution activities: 반혁명 종파주의 Corruption: 부정부패 Drug use: 약물 복용 Gambling: 도박
The North’s state media confirmed the Seoul intelligence agency’s report last week on an apparent ouster of Jang Song-thaek, former vice chairman of the potent National Defense Commission
Ouster: 축출 National Defense Commission: 국방위원회 Potent: 힘이 센, 강한
Jang has played a double game by pursuing private interests and working to create a faction while pretending to obey the party and leader, the (North) Korean Central News Agency said.
Play a double game: 양다리를 걸치다 Korean Central News Agency: 조선중앙통신
He and his confidants have committed “anti-state, anti-people crimes that do enormous harm to our fight to build a strong, prosperous nation and improve the people’s livelihoods,” the Korean Central News Agency said.
Confidant: 측근 막역한 사이의 친구, 절친, Anti-state: 반국가적 Anti-people crimes: 반인민범죄행위 Prosperous: 번영하는 번창하는
The decision to sack him from all positions was made at a politburo meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party’s Central Committee on Sunday, it said.
Sack from: 쫓아내다, 해고하다 면직하다 Ruling Workers’ Party’s Central Committee: 조선노동당 중앙위원회
The downfall of Jang marks the latest in a string of purges that Kim has undertaken to cement his power over the past two years. He is married to the youthful dictator’s aunt, Kim Kyong-hui, the younger sister of Kim Jong-il and had often been labeled the country’ second most influential man.
Downfall: 몰락 a string of: 여러 개의, Undertake: 착수하다, 일으키다, 일을 맡다. Cement power: 권력을 강화하다 굳건하게 하다 Label: 꼬리표가 붙다. 그러한 취급을 받다.
Jang was twice kicked out of Pyongyang’s inner circle but has managed to creep back up the political ladder.
Kick out: 쫓아내다 Inner circle: 핵심층, 핵심 권력
But the detailed listing of his charges, coupled with the report’s unusually stringent tone, may signal an end of his illustrious career in one of the world’s most brutal and reclusive regimes.
Stringent: 엄중한 엄격한 Signal: 시사하다 암시하다 Illustrious: 빛나는 걸출한, 화려한 Brutal: 잔혹한 악랄한 Reclusive: 은둔하는
The KCNA also accused him of corruption, womanizing, binge drinking and eating, gambling, squandering foreign currency, and living a lavish, depraved life “infected with capitalism.”
Accuse of: 비판하다, 고발/고소하다 Womanizing: 여자와의 부적절한 관계 Binge drinking: 폭음 Squander: 낭비하다 탕진하다 Lavish: 호화로운 depraved: 타락한, 부패한
Other charges included weakening the control over law enforcement and security agencies, breaching the principles of the parliamentary system, deranging the national budget management scheme, and jobbing off state assets.
Enforcement: 집행 Breach: 위반하다 Derange: 어지럽히다
One week ahead of the second anniversary of his father’s death, Kim is forecast to carry out further housecleaning, likely focused on those close to Jang, and other steps to tighten his grip, analysts say.
Housecleaning: 숙청, 대청소, 대청소, Tighten his grip: 세력 및 권력을 강화하다
The North’s harsh attack on Jang carried in the dispatch “exposes its intent to completely bury him not only politically but also as a human,” Cheong Seong-chang, a senior fellow at the Sejong Institute, said in his analysis.
Dispatch: 보도, 글
“Given its super hardline position toward Jang and his aides, the North Korean leadership is inevitably expected to take on bloody purges in the future to remove their trace.”
Hardline: 강경한 Trace: 흔적, 발자국, 자취,
Seoul said it is closely monitoring the situation in and around North Korea. “Today’s report officially confirmed the rumors about Jang’s fall,” Unification Ministry spokesman Kim Eui-do told reporters. “It’s difficult for us to offer an outlook (for the Kim regime) here at the moment but I can say that we are keeping tabs on North Korea’s internal circumstances, external relations and other things, with various possibilities in mind.”
Outlook: 전말 Keep tabs: 예의주시하다
Kim Sung-min, the director of Free North Korea, told a news show Monday that Jang was executed along with seven of his aides last Thursday, citing sources in the North.
execute: 처형하다
Meanwhile, China said Monday that Chang’s purge was an “internal affair” in the North. Asked about the incident, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said, “We have noted the relevant situation, (but) that is an internal affair. China will stay committed to maintaining traditionally friendly relations with the DPRK.”
Internal affair: 내부문제 DPRK(Democratic People’s Republic of Korea): 북한 공식 명칭
기사 전문: http://khnews.kheraldm.com/view.php?ud=20131202000632&md=20131204003911_AT
팟캐스트: tps://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2