동아시아 지역에서 지속되고 있는 영토갈등이, 중국의 일방적인 방공식별구역 선포와 함께 영공에서의 분쟁으로 확대되고 있다.
Territorial disputes spread to the air
영토분쟁, 영공까지 확산되다
[1] Regional territorial disputes at sea appear to be escalating into the aerial domain after China on Saturday declared its air defense zone, which overlaps with those of South Korea and Japan.
regional: 지역의 territorial: 영토의 escalate: 확산되다 overlap: 겹치다
[2] Beijing’s Air Defense Identification Zone covers contentious areas in the East China Sea such as Senkaku/Diaoyu islands currently under Japan’s control and Ieodo, a submerged rock in the overlapping exclusive economic zones of South Korea and China.
contentious: 논쟁이 되는 submerged: 침수된 exclusive economic zone: 배타적 경제수역
[3]Not bound by international law, the zone is set up outside a country’s territorial airspace to discern between civilian and military aircraft for purposes of national security. Any foreign aircraft can enter the zone with prior notification or face interception.
set up: 설치하다 discern: 식별하다 civilian: 민간의 security: 안보 notification: 통보 interception: 차단, 저지
[4] Analysts say that Beijing’s declaration of the air zone indicates its unilateral disposition on territorial issues, and that Seoul should present its strong opposition to any move pushed for without consultations based on mutual respect.
disposition: 기질, 성향 opposition: 반대 consultation: 협의 based on: ~에 기반을 둔
[5] They also expressed concerns that a rising China could undermine regional stability and seek to revise the long-standing regional order based on its increasing military and economic might.
stability: 안정 seek to: 추구하다 might: 힘
[6] “The rising China appears to be asserting its territorial claims in a unilateral fashion without coordination, consultations or negotiations. This is a source of great concern for its neighboring states including South Korea, Japan and the Philippines,” said Kim Ho-sup, international politics professor at Chung-Ang University.
assert: 주장하다 unilateral: 일방적인 fashion: 형태 coordination: 조정 concern: 우려
[7] Kim added that U.S. policy toward the Asia-Pacific may be focused on preventing an ascendant China from disrupting the international norms and order that the U.S. has fostered since the end of World War II.
prevent: 막다 disrupt: 방해하다 norm: 규범 order: 질서, 명령하다 foster: 조성하다 발전시키다
[8] On Monday, Yoo Jeh-seung, Seoul’s deputy defense minister for policy, called in Brigadier Gen. Xu Jingming, an attache at the Chinese Embassy in Seoul, and expressed regrets over the air zone.
call in: 불러 들이다 attaché: 무관
기사전문: http://khnews.kheraldm.com/view.php?ud=20131125000815&md=20131127003635_AT
팟캐스트: https://itunes.apple.com/kr/podcast/koliaheleoldeu-paskaeseuteu/id686406253?mt=2