NEAT Writing 2급 Diagnostic Test Multi-conditional essay

자신이 가장 좋아하는 동물을 떠올려 보고, 그 동물에 대해 다음의 내용을 포함하여 쓰시오. (60~80단어) Write a short paragraph about your favorite animal. Include the following information. (60-80 words)

- what it is - what you like about it - why it is your favorite


Model Response: My favorite animal is the giraffe because it is very tall and it has pretty fur patterns. One time at the zoo, I saw giraffes that were 15 feet tall. That’s over twice as tall as adults! I also like their fur patterns because my favorite colors are yellow and brown. I hope I go back to the zoo soon so I can see more giraffes.

Short Essay 다음의 표에는 만화책을 보는 것의 장점과 단점이 정리되어 있다. 이를 참고하여 자신의 입장을 선택하여 서론을 쓰고, 한 가지 이유를 추가하여 세 가지 이유를 모두 논한 후에 결론을 쓰시오. (80~120단어) The following chart shows the advantages or disadvantages of watching cartoons. After choosing a side, write an introduction and come up with a third reason. Then, write about all three reasons and make a conclusion. (80-120 words)

Advantages Disadvantages


1. cartoons are too violent 2. send the wrong message to kids 3. ____________________


Introduction 1. cartoons are not real 2. make many children happy 3. ____________________

Conclusion ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Model Response: I agree that cartoons are harmful for children. Many cartoons show the characters fighting or killing each other. Even though it’s a cartoon, it is too violent for young kids. Also, they send the wrong message. Children should learn that violence doesn’t solve problems. However, in cartoons, many characters take revenge and are harmful to each other. Lastly, if young kids watch lots of cartoons, they could repeat what they see on television and hurt their friends. To sum up, cartoons can be funny and happy, but children should not watch violent ones.) 이인호