Deodeok-saengchae. (Institute of Traditional Korean Food)
Deodeok-saengchae is thinly ripped deodeok roots mixed with spicy, sour seasonings. Deodeok is referred to as sasam (ginseng from sand). It is high in saponin like ginseng and bellflower roots. In Oriental medicine, it is considered a health food that is good for the stomach, and strengthens the lungs, intestines and kidneys.
Ingredients ● 300g deodeok roots
● 2 cups water
● 1/2 tbsp salt Seasoning sauce
● 1 tbsp sugar
● 2 1/2 tsp red pepper paste
● 2 tsp ground red pepper
● 1/2 tsp salt
● 1 tbsp minced green onion
● 1 tsp minced garlic
● 1 tsp sesame salt, 1 tbsp vinegar
1. Trim and wash the deodeok roots, skin, and slice them.
2. Soak the sliced roots in salt water for 20 min. to get rid of the bitter taste. Pat dry.
3.Press and roll the roots with a rolling pin and rip into shreds.
4. Blend seasoned red pepper paste.
5. Mix the doedoek roots with seasoning sauce.
● Doedoek roots may be slightly pounded with a wooden mallet after drying.
(Adapted from the Institute of Traditional Korean Food)