NEW YORK, Jan. 15 (UPI) -- Madonna says fellow U.S. pop singer Lady Gaga ripped off her 1989 hit "Express Yourself" to create what Lady Gaga calls the gay anthem "Born This Way."

When Lady Gaga performed the song at the MTV Video Music Awards in August, there were already extensive rumblings concerning the similarity of the two songs, reported.

Although Madonna has not weighed in on the controversy before, she finally broke her silence, Newsweek reported.

"I thought, this is a wonderful way to redo my song ['Express Yourself']," she said. "I mean, I recognized the chord changes. I thought it was … interesting."

People started talking about "Born This Way" as soon as it was released a year ago and it became a hot topic on Twitter.

"It's not a coincidence that Gaga is compared to the queen of pop so much, more than other female artists in the past," tweeted one fan. "Gaga follows Madonna's steps. That's more than obvious. Anyone can see it."

The cover of Madonna's new album,
The cover of Madonna's new album, "Sticky & Sweet Tour," is shown in this handout image released to the media on Tuesday, April 6, 2010.

The cover of Madonna`s new album, "Sticky & Sweet Tour," is shown in this handout image released to the media on Tuesday, April 6, 2010. (Bloomberg)

A video was even posted to YouTube featuring a side-by-side comparison of Madonna's "Express Yourself" video to Gaga's performance of "Born This Way" at the Video Music Awards.

Lady Gaga has yet to reply, said.


마돈나, '레이디 가가 내 노래 표절'

팝스타 마돈나가 자신의 노래를 표절했다는 의혹을 산 레이디 가가의 히트곡 '본 디스 웨이(Born This Way)'에 대해 불편한 심기를 드러냈다고 UPI 통신등 외신이 15일 전했다.

지난해 2월 첫선을 보인 '본 디스 웨이'는 발표 직후 마돈나의 히트곡 '익스프 스 유어셀프(Express Yourself)'와 흡사하다는 논란에 휘말렸다.

외신에 따르면 마돈나는 최근 뉴스위크와의 인터뷰에서 표절 논란에 대해 "내 노래를 재해석하는 아주 멋진 방법이었다고 생각한다"고 말했다.

그는 '본 디스 웨이'를 들으며 자신의 곡에 쓰인 코드가 어떻게 바뀌었는지 알아챌 수 있었다면서 "흥미로웠다"고 비꼬았다.

마돈나 인터뷰는 뉴스위크 최신호에 실릴 예정이다.

마돈나의 발언에 대해 레이디 가가는 아직 이렇다할 입장을 밝히지 않았다.