Rain on Sunday finished his last nation-wide concert tour ahead of entering military service on Oct. 11.
The last set of concerts, titled “Rain the Best Show,” was held at the Gymnastics Stadium in Olympic Park, Seoul on Saturday and Sunday, each attracting more than 10,000 fans.
Prior to the Seoul concerts, the hallyu star announced on Friday that he will be placed at a military unit in Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi Province, next month, to receive basic training for his 22-month-long mandatory military service. The K-pop entertainer said he does not know where he will be placed after basic training.
![<YONHAP PHOTO-1234> 가수 비, 입대 전 마지막 콘서트 (서울=연합뉴스) 유용석 기자 = 가수 비(본명 정지훈)가 24일 오후 서울 방이동 올림픽공원 내 체조경기장에서 열린 군입대 전 마지막 콘서트 'RAIN THE BEST SHOW'에서 열정적인 무대를 펼치고 있다. 2011.9.24 yalbr@yna.co.kr/2011-09-24 18:24:34/ <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2011 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.>\r\nRain performs during the “Rain the Best Show” at the Gymnastics Stadium in Olympic Park on Saturday. Yonhap News.](https://wimg.heraldcorp.com/content/default/2011/09/25/20110925000297_0.jpg)
Rain performs during the “Rain the Best Show” at the Gymnastics Stadium in Olympic Park on Saturday. (Yonhap News)
Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, is considered one of the most successful Korean celebrities both at home and abroad. The 29-year-old has released seven albums and 19 singles since his debut in 2002. He also debuted as an actor in 2003 through a local TV drama series, “Sangdoo! Let’s Go to School!” and also starred in KBS’ hit series shows “Full House” (2004) and “A Love to Kill” (2005).
After acting for his first Korean film, “I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK” in 2006, Rain gained fame in the United States after appearing in American films “Speed Racer” (2008) and “Ninja Assassin” (2009).
Rain is scheduled to give a free street concert in southern Seoul on Oct. 9. It will be his last public appearance before joining the army.
By Claire Lee (dyc@heraldm.com)