LOS ANGELES (AP) ― A website that sold Beatles songs online for 25 cents apiece before they became legally available has agreed to pay record companies nearly $1 million to settle a federal lawsuit.

U.S. District Judge Josephine Staton Tucker signed off on the settlement between BlueBeat.com and music companies EMI Group PLC, Capitol Records and Virgin Records America on Friday. The judge ruled in December that the site violated the music labels’ copyrights and presented unfair competition.

A trial to determine how much BlueBeat owed the companies was scheduled to begin Tuesday in Santa Ana, Calif.

<YONHAP PHOTO-0530> FILE - In this Feb. 9, 1964 file photo, The Beatles, front row from left, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon and Ringo Starr on drums, perform at the
<YONHAP PHOTO-0530> FILE - In this Feb. 9, 1964 file photo, The Beatles, front row from left, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon and Ringo Starr on drums, perform at the "Ed Sullivan Show," in New York. BlueBeat.com has agreed to pay $950,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by the music companies EMI, Capitol Records and Virgin Records America after posting digital copies of The Beatles music a year before they became legitimately available. (AP Photo, file)/2011-03-29 06:01:25/ <저작권자 ⓒ 1980-2011 ㈜연합뉴스. 무단 전재 재배포 금지.> The Beatles (front row from left) Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon and Ringo Starr on drums, perform at the “Ed Sullivan Show,” in New York. AP-Yonhap News

The Beatles (front row from left) Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon and Ringo Starr on drums, perform at the “Ed Sullivan Show,” in New York. (AP-Yonhap News)

BlueBeat streamed and sold music by the Fab Four and other top-name acts, including Coldplay and Lily Allen, for several days before music companies sued to shut it down in November 2009. By then, the site had already distributed more than 67,000 songs by The Beatles.

The posting of Beatles songs came shortly after the release of the group’s re-mastered albums and a pricey box set. A year later, Apple Inc. announced with great fanfare that it was selling Beatles music on its popular music service iTunes.

Within the first week, more than 2 million Beatles songs were purchased online for $1.29 apiece and 450,000 albums were sold.