The Korea Herald


NK says Park's ouster was 'judgment by history'

By KH디지털2

Published : March 21, 2017 - 09:50

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North Korea said Tuesday the ouster of former President Park Geun-hye was a "stern judgment by history" as Park underwent questioning by prosecutors over a corruption scandal involving her and her close friend.

Park was grilled by prosecutors over corruption allegations that sparked rallies calling for her resignation for months and led to her removal from office earlier this month.

The Korean Central News Agency released detailed reports on how the scandal evolved and why the Constitutional Court upheld a parliamentary vote to impeach her.

"South Koreans' candlelight vigils were unprecedented expressions ... of grudge and anger against dictator Park and her fellows," the KCNA said, claiming that the rallies were South Koreans' struggle against conservative forces.

Park and her conservative group deserve to face a "miserable fate," the report said.

Park is suspected of colluding with her confidante Choi Soon-sil in pressing local conglomerates to donate tens of billions of won to two nonprofit foundations controlled by Choi.

The KCNA said in a commentary that "Park should be jailed for hundreds of times for her crimes so far disclosed."

North Korea's state media earlier called Park's family a "dirty group of traitors," saying that rallies staged by Park's supporters will only speed up her downfall.

On the day of the top court's ruling for the impeachment, North Korea's media released the news in a short dispatch in an unusually swift manner.

"Less than one year away from the end of her (five-year) term, Park was dismissed from her presidency and will face investigations as an ordinary criminal," the KCNA reported on March 10. (Yonhap)