The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트](110) 남북 이산가족 상봉 합의 외 1건

By Shin Ji-hye

Published : Sept. 10, 2015 - 18:09

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진행자: 석지현, Paul Kerry

1.  남북 이산가족 상봉 합의

기사요약:  남북 적십자 대표들이 지난 7-8일 ‘무박 2일’의 마라톤 실무접촉에서 남북 이산가족 상봉 행사를 10월 20일부터 26일까지 금강산 면회소에서 하기로 합의했다.


Koreas agree to hold family reunions next month

[1] The two Koreas agreed Tuesday to hold reunions of families separated by the border from Oct. 20-26 at Mount Geumgangsan, facilitating the reconciliatory mood that emerged after last month’s landmark agree-ment to defuse military tensions.


*separated by: ~로 인해 분단이 된
*facilitate: 가능케하다, 용이하게하다
*reconciliatory: 화해의 (reconcile: 조화시키다, 화해시키다)

[2] After overnight Red Cross talks at the inter-Korean border village of Panmunjeom, they agreed to hold two sets of reunions of 100 family members from each side at the east coast resort. The reunions would be the first since February 2014.

*overnight: 밤 사이에, 하룻밤 사이에 이뤄진
*two sets of: (=two rounds of)

[3] Under the agreement, Seoul and Pyongyang will exchange on Sept. 15 lists of 250 and 200 applicants, respectively, who claim to have relatives across the border. They will, then, narrow down the numbers based on further confirmation of the applicants’ status and exchange the final lists of 100 people each by Oct. 8.

*Under: 스트레스를 받고 있다 (under the stress/ under the pressure/ under the gun), 몸이 별로 안좋다(under the weather), ~라는 이름으로 (under the name of)
*narrow down: (범위를) 좁히다, (숫자를) 추리다


2. 돌고래호 실종자 8명 수색 장기화

기사요약: 돌고래호 전복사고 나흘째를 맞았지만 실종자가 발견되지 않으면서 수색 작업이 장기화될 것으로 보인다. 선체 인양은 빠르면 9일 이뤄질 전망이지만 기상 악화로 인해 인양이 이뤄질 수 있을지는 미지수인 것으로 알려졌다.

Eight still missing in capsized boat

[1] Eight passengers were still missing as of Monday afternoon from a fishing boat that capsized off the country’s south coast over the weekend, killing at least 10, as debate continued over whether the rescue mission was slipshod.

*as of: ~를 기점으로
*capsized: 뒤집히다 (sunken boat 혹은 boat that sank in the waters off ~)
*slipshod: 엉성하다, 대충하는

[2] A 9.77-ton fishing boat named Dolgorae carrying 21 anglers and crew capsized near Chuja Island, north of Jejudo Island on late Saturday. Only three were saved by a passing boat 11 hours after the incident.

*angler: (취미로 하는) 낚시꾼

[3] A probe is underway, but high waves are suspected to be the cause, the authorities said.

*underway: 시작되서 아직 진행중인
*suspected to be: = presumed to be, expected to be, thought to be

[4] The maritime police said the initial response to the accident was delayed largely because of a false re-port by a man who was supposed to be on board but was not.

*largely: 주로, 대체로 (=mainly, mostly because)
*supposed to be: ~했었어야 했다.
