A new monthly show in Seoul will seek to pit comics’ wits against each other, as two teams of stand-ups from across the country compete to be the funniest.

LOLympians will pitch three expat comedians on each side against each other to see who can be the funniest.

The first round is “Mock Rock,” in which teams will be challenged on various topics, and the second round, “Meme a Minute,” challenges them to come up with captions for pictures. The final round will be a set list-style head-to-head stand up battle.

“I guess you could say it’s sort of a blend of stand-up and improv,” said Dan Wiberg, one of the comedians who will perform in the show. “Comics will not know what they will be ‘being funny’ about before the actual show.”

The winners will be judged based on audience reaction interpreted by the host, Wilfred Lee.

“Even though it’s team oriented the goal of the show is to make it funny for the audience,” Wiberg said.

The six comics for the first show are Justin Ivie, Zach Latta, Kay Kim, Frankie Walsh, C. Charles Gilmore, and Dan Wiberg, with the teams drawn randomly before the first show.

The first show takes place May 7 at Bedrock in Haebangchon, Seoul. Doors open at 8 p.m.

By Paul Kerry ()