Expat online information hub AngloInfo has revamped its website with a simpler visual style and added functions for users.

Selling itself as “an online doorway to an off-line community,” AngloInfo is a community-driven information website for expats across the world, with information on living in different cities around the world, including Seoul. 

“AngloINFO has focused on making exciting new changes to the layout so that it is much more visual and vibrant as well as easier for our users to navigate. Because the new site is much more user-friendly, we believe it will entice users, new and old, from across the spectrum,” said Angella Yesung Han, managing director of AngloInfo’s Seoul site.

The Seoul site also has a new address - angloinfo.com/seoul - and has added property and jobs sections.

Han said the main aim of the website’s revamp was to make it more mobile-friendly and move away from its previous text-heavy format.

“We also wanted to keep up with the design innovations being made today and to have the layout appeal to our users and businesses alike,” said Han.

She said that the blogs are the last part of the website to be overhauled.

“Although they are still under construction, the blogs will have a new design and be much more user friendly,” said Han

“Because the focus of the website has largely turned to user-generated content, the new website was also designed to make AngloInfo staff and directors more accessible to the public.”
