A fun boat race will be held on the Hangang River in August.

The event titled “Box1Race” is a competition in which participants will peddle their boats made with cardboard boxes and other materials.

Cardboard boat races are held around the world.

In Box1Race, a total of 400 teams will compete, using one-of-a-kind cardboard boats. Participants are required to make their boats with a given set of corrugated cardboard sheets and cohesive materials such as duct tape.

The race will begin on the river near Jamsil Hangang River Park at 9 a.m. on Aug. 9.

The contest measures the time each team takes to complete the course from the starting point to the finish line and selects a winner. The race course will be marked with buoys. Staff will come to the rescue of participants if their boats sink. Participants are also required to wear life vests.

The boats will almost always flood, sink, or shred under the weight, mostly owing to the difficulties of waterproofing cardboard.

According to organizers, the race is the first cardboard boat race to be held in Korea.

Organized by advertising company 9 Motive and the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the race will also hold subsidiary fun activities, such as building a house and a robot with cardboard boxes.

Awards will be given to the most creative team.

Anyone interested in joining the race and fun activities should purchase tickets at the online social shopping outlet Ticket Monster (www.ticketmonster.co.kr). Race entries will open on July 26.

By Lee Woo-young ()