A recent survey showed that many in South Korea who have divorced said that splitting up hit them the hardest when they were dividing assets with their former spouse, or when they were moving to a new home.
Local matchmaking agencies Bien-Aller and Only-You conducted the survey of 267 divorced men and 267 divorced women, and asked them when was the moment their divorce sank in. Some 31.1 percent of the female respondents picked when they were receiving their half of the marital assets, or giving them to their former spouse.
This choice was followed by 26.2 percent who picked "when they moved to a new home."
The two answers were also the most popular for the male respondents, although moving to a new home was No. 1 at 29.2 percent, and splitting the marital assets was chosen by 25.1 percent of respondents.
When asked what they did before finalizing their divorce, 30 percent of the male respondents said that they "said their last goodbye," while 32.2 percent of the women said they just "ended things quietly" without any specific action.
On what was the most painful part of the divorce, 28.1 percent of the men picked "quarreling over immoral actions (such as an affair)," while 26.9 percent picked "fighting over dividing up the assets."
Of the female respondents, 32.2 percent said fighting over the assets was the most painful, while 25.5 percent picked arguing over immoral actions.